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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Glasgow et al., Neurochem Res 2000 (Neurodegenerative Diseases) : Key in these cascades is the activation of the caspase and Bcl-family of proteins by the NF-kappaB transcription factor
Chen et al., Cancer Res 2003 (Colonic Neoplasms) : Consistent with Wnt pathway involvement, dominant negative TCF/LEF induced caspase protein expression
Jiménez Del Río et al., Arch Med Res 2004 (Necrosis...) : All metals induced mitochondrial depolarization ( 17-62 % nonfluorescent cells ) and activated caspase-3 concomitantly with apoptotic morphology ( 25-32 % AO/EB ) at 24 h, and neither NF-kappaB nor p53 transcription factor showed activation
Cao et al., J Immunol 2004 : The E2F-1 transcription factor promotes caspase-8 and bid expression, and enhances Fas signaling in T cells
Jover-Mengual et al., Endocrinology 2007 (Ischemia...) : We demonstrate that global ischemia promotes early dephosphorylation and inactivation of ERK1 and the transcription factor cAMP-response element binding protein ( CREB ), subsequent down-regulation of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2, a known gene target of estradiol and CREB, and activation of caspase-3
Siu et al., Proteomics 2008 (Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung...) : In particular, elevated expression of C/EBP homologous transcription factor ( chop ) and activation of caspase-4 occurred at early time point ( 8 h ) of PD treatment, signifying an initial ER stress mediated apoptosis
Jover-Mengual et al., Brain Res 2010 (Brain Ischemia...) : We demonstrate that global ischemia promotes early activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta ( GSK3beta ) and forkhead transcription factor of the O class ( FOXO)3A, known Akt targets that are related to cell survival, and activation of caspase-3
Frisan et al., Blood 2012 (Myelodysplastic Syndromes) : Normal human erythroid cell maturation requests the transcription factor GATA-1 and a transient activation of caspase-3 , with GATA-1 being protected from caspase-3 mediated cleavage by interaction with the chaperone heat shock protein 70 ( Hsp70 ) in the nucleus