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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Lin et al., J Agric Food Chem 2007 : Ginkgo biloba extract inhibits endotoxin induced human aortic smooth muscle cell proliferation via suppression of toll-like receptor 4 expression and NADPH oxidase activation ... LPS increased the expression of TLR4 in HASMCs, and this effect was mediated by the activation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ( NADPH ) oxidase , phosphorylation of intracellular mitogen activated protein kinases ( MAPKs ), and increases in the cytoplasmic level of HuR and TLR4 mRNA stability
Fan et al., J Immunol 2007 (Reperfusion Injury...) : Hemorrhagic shock induces NAD ( P ) H oxidase activation in neutrophils : role of HMGB1-TLR4 signaling ... In addition, in vitro stimulation of PMN with recombinant HMGB1 caused TLR4 dependent activation of NAD ( P ) H oxidase as well as increased ROS production through both MyD88-IRAK4-p38 MAPK and MyD88-IRAK4-Akt signaling pathways ... Thus, PMN NAD ( P ) H oxidase activation, induced by HS/R and as mediated by HMGB1/TLR4 signaling, is an important mechanism responsible for PMN mediated inflammation and organ injury after hemorrhage
Li et al., Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan 2007 (Inflammation) : The p47phox- and Rac 1-dependent NADPH oxidase activation, ROS production, and MAPK signaling pathways play critical roles in endotoxin enhanced TLR4 expression and TLR4 mRNA stabilization in VSMCs
Chen et al., Lab Invest 2008 (Obesity) : We investigated the potential role of the NADPH oxidase on vascular Toll-like receptor ( TLR ) expression and carotid neointimal formation in high-fat ( HF ) diet induced obesity ( DIO ) model
Kong et al., J Immunol 2010 (Sepsis) : NADPH oxidase dependent reactive oxygen species mediate amplified TLR4 signaling and sepsis induced mortality in Nrf2-deficient mice ... Together, these results demonstrate that Nrf2 is essential for the regulation of NADPH oxidase dependent ROS mediated TLR4 activation and lethal innate immune response in sepsis
Zhang et al., Journal of translational medicine 2010 (Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) : TLR4 deficiency resulted in inhibition of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) production and NADPH oxidase activity, suggesting suppression of hyperglycemia induced apoptosis by TLR4 is associated with attenuation of oxidative stress to the cardiomyocytes
Yang et al., Cell Host Microbe 2012 (Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections) : Autophagy protein Rubicon mediates phagocytic NADPH oxidase activation in response to microbial infection or TLR stimulation
Lim et al., J Biol Chem 2013 (Peripheral Nerve Injuries) : In this study, we investigated the role of TLR in Nox2 expression in spinal cord microglia after peripheral nerve injury