Antibody or target protein: The antibody to a specific protein. Used in immuno-precipitation to target certain fractions of biological interest.
antibodyAntibody DescriptionTargetTarget DescriptionVendor IDLabDocumentsLotsTarget LinkLabel
SIX5 Goat polyclonal IgG. Six5 (K-20) Epitope mapping near the C-terminus of Six5 of human origin. Antibody Target: SIX5 SIX5 The protein encoded by this gene is a homeodomain-containing transcription factor that appears to function in the regulation of organogenesis. This gene is located downstream of the dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase gene. Mutations in this geneare a cause of branchiootorenal syndrome type 2. Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-55706 Myers Human - SIX5(Western blot,IP-MassSpec)   B1408 GeneCard:SIX5 SIX5 (sc-55706)