Cell, tissue or DNA sample: Cell line or tissue used as the source of experimental material.
cellTierDescriptionLineageTissueKaryotypeSexDocumentsVendor IDTerm IDLabel
HCT-116 3 colorectal carcinoma (PMID: 7214343) endoderm colon cancer M ENCODE
ATCC CCL-247 BTO:0002254 HCT-116
HeLa-S3 2 cervical carcinoma ectoderm cervix cancer F ENCODE
ATCC CCL-2.2 BTO:0000568 HeLa-S3
K562 1 leukemia, "The continuous cell line K-562 was established by Lozzio and Lozzio from the pleural effusion of a 53-year-old female with chronic myelogenous leukemia in terminal blast crises." - ATCC mesoderm blood cancer F ENCODE   ATCC CCL-243 BTO:0000664 K562
MCF-7 2 mammary gland, adenocarcinoma. (PMID: 4357757), newly promoted to tier 2: not in 2011 analysis ectoderm breast cancer F Crawford
ATCC HTB-22 BTO:0000093 MCF-7
NB4 3 acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line. (PMID: 1995093) mesoderm blood cancer U ENCODE
Refer to protocol documents for differing sources, UW: DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen) ACC-207 http://www.dsmz.de/ or Yale (Stanford): National Cell Culture Center http://www.nccc.com/ NB4 BTO:0002489 NB4

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