Antibody or target protein: The antibody to a specific protein. Used in immuno-precipitation to target certain fractions of biological interest.
antibodyAntibody DescriptionTargetTarget DescriptionVendor IDLabDocumentsLotsTarget LinkLabel
CELF1 Mouse monoclonal. Raised against full-length GST fusion protein corresponding to human CUG-BP1, also known as heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) hNab50. Antibody Target: CELF1 CELF1 Embryo deadenylation element-binding protein homolog (Homo sapiens) Millipore 05-621 Tenenbaum Human - CELF1 (05-621)(Western blot,Immunoprecipitation)     GeneCard:CELF1 CELF1 (05-621)