Human Gene EMG1 (ENST00000599672.6_6) from GENCODE V47lift37
  Description: EMG1 N1-specific pseudouridine methyltransferase, transcript variant 1 (from RefSeq NM_006331.8)
Gencode Transcript: ENST00000599672.6_6
Gencode Gene: ENSG00000126749.17_13
Transcript (Including UTRs)
   Position: hg19 chr12:7,080,076-7,089,098 Size: 9,023 Total Exon Count: 7 Strand: +
Coding Region
   Position: hg19 chr12:7,080,087-7,084,971 Size: 4,885 Coding Exon Count: 7 

Page IndexSequence and LinksUniProtKB CommentsPrimersMalaCardsCTD
Gene AllelesMicroarray ExpressionRNA StructureProtein StructureOther SpeciesGO Annotations
mRNA DescriptionsPathwaysOther NamesModel InformationMethods
Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-08-22 23:36:26

-  Sequence and Links to Tools and Databases
Genomic Sequence (chr12:7,080,076-7,089,098)mRNA (may differ from genome)Protein (242 aa)
Gene SorterGenome BrowserOther Species FASTAVisiGeneGene interactionsTable Schema
AlphaFoldBioGPSEnsemblEntrez GeneExonPrimerGeneCards
UniProtKBWikipediaBioGrid CRISPR DB

-  Comments and Description Text from UniProtKB
DESCRIPTION: RecName: Full=Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase NEP1; EC=2.1.1.-; AltName: Full=18S rRNA (pseudouridine-N1-)-methyltransferase NEP1; AltName: Full=18S rRNA Psi1248 methyltransferase; AltName: Full=Nucleolar protein EMG1 homolog; AltName: Full=Protein C2f; AltName: Full=Ribosome biogenesis protein NEP1;
FUNCTION: Involved in 40S ribosomal subunit biogenesis and 18S rRNA processing. Specifically catalyzes the N1-methylation of pseudouridine at position 1248 (Psi1248) in 18S rRNA. Thus, appears to be the methyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of the hypermodified N1-methyl-N3-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl) pseudouridine (m1acp3-Psi) in position 1248 in 18S rRNA. Is not able to methylate uridine at this position.
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + pseudouridine(1248) in 18S rRNA = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + N(1)- methylpseudouridine(1248) in 18S rRNA.
SUBUNIT: Homodimer (By similarity).
SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus, nucleolus.
DISEASE: Defects in EMG1 are the cause of Bowen-Conradi syndrome (BWCNS) [MIM:211180]. BWCNS is a combination of malformations characterized in newborns by low birth weight, microcephaly, mild joint restriction, a prominent nose, micrognathia, fifth finger clinodactyly, and 'rocker-bottom' feet. The syndrome is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. The prognosis is poor, with all infants dying within the first few months of life.
SIMILARITY: Belongs to the NEP1 family.
SEQUENCE CAUTION: Sequence=AAB51325.1; Type=Erroneous initiation;

-  Primer design for this transcript

Primer3Plus can design qPCR Primers that straddle exon-exon-junctions, which amplify only cDNA, not genomic DNA.
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Exonprimer can design one pair of Sanger sequencing primers around every exon, located in non-genic sequence.
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To design primers for a non-coding sequence, zoom to a region of interest and select from the drop-down menu: View > In External Tools > Primer3

-  MalaCards Disease Associations
  MalaCards Gene Search: EMG1
Diseases sorted by gene-association score: bowen-conradi syndrome* (1601)
* = Manually curated disease association

-  Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)
  The following chemicals interact with this gene
  • D013749 Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin
  • C016403 2,4-dinitrotoluene
  • C532162 2-(1H-indazol-4-yl)-6-(4-methanesulfonylpiperazin-1-ylmethyl)-4-morpholin-4-ylthieno(3,2-d)pyrimidine
  • C030370 2-methoxy-5-(2',3',4'-trimethoxyphenyl)tropone
  • D015123 7,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene 9,10-oxide
  • D000082 Acetaminophen
  • D001564 Benzo(a)pyrene
  • D019327 Copper Sulfate
  • D016572 Cyclosporine
  • D012999 Soman
          more ... click here to view the complete list

+  Common Gene Haplotype Alleles
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+  Microarray Expression Data
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-  mRNA Secondary Structure of 3' and 5' UTRs
RegionFold EnergyBasesEnergy/Base
Display As
3' UTR -1493.304127-0.362 Picture PostScript Text

The RNAfold program from the Vienna RNA Package is used to perform the secondary structure predictions and folding calculations. The estimated folding energy is in kcal/mol. The more negative the energy, the more secondary structure the RNA is likely to have.

-  Protein Domain and Structure Information
  InterPro Domains: Graphical view of domain structure
IPR005304 - Rbsml_bgen_MeTrfase_EMG1/NEP1

Pfam Domains:
PF03587 - EMG1/NEP1 methyltransferase

SCOP Domains:
75217 - alpha/beta knot

ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on Q92979
The pictures above may be empty if there is no ModBase structure for the protein. The ModBase structure frequently covers just a fragment of the protein. You may be asked to log onto ModBase the first time you click on the pictures. It is simplest after logging in to just click on the picture again to get to the specific info on that model.

-  Orthologous Genes in Other Species
  Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.
MouseRatZebrafishD. melanogasterC. elegansS. cerevisiae
No orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologGenome BrowserGenome Browser
Gene DetailsGene Details Gene DetailsGene DetailsGene Details
Gene SorterGene Sorter Gene SorterGene SorterGene Sorter
 RGDEnsembl WormBaseSGD
    Protein SequenceProtein Sequence

-  Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations with Structured Vocabulary
  Molecular Function:
GO:0003723 RNA binding
GO:0005515 protein binding
GO:0008168 methyltransferase activity
GO:0016740 transferase activity
GO:0019843 rRNA binding
GO:0070037 rRNA (pseudouridine) methyltransferase activity

Biological Process:
GO:0000462 maturation of SSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)
GO:0006364 rRNA processing
GO:0032259 methylation
GO:0042254 ribosome biogenesis
GO:0042274 ribosomal small subunit biogenesis
GO:0070475 rRNA base methylation

Cellular Component:
GO:0005634 nucleus
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm
GO:0005730 nucleolus
GO:0005737 cytoplasm
GO:0032040 small-subunit processome

-  Descriptions from all associated GenBank mRNAs
  BC055314 - Homo sapiens EMG1 nucleolar protein homolog (S. cerevisiae), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:62024 IMAGE:4718702), complete cds.
JD093219 - Sequence 74243 from Patent EP1572962.
AK298207 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ56921 complete cds, highly similar to Probable ribosome biogenesis protein NEP1.
AK307177 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ97125.
AK291597 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ76620 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens C2f protein (C2F), mRNA.
AK298745 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ60792 complete cds, highly similar to Probable ribosome biogenesis protein NEP1.
CU691116 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens gateway clone IMAGE:100022159 5' read EMG1 mRNA.
HQ447756 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone IMAGE:100071087; CCSB013283_01 EMG1 nucleolar protein homolog (S. cerevisiae) (EMG1) gene, encodes complete protein.
KJ893037 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone ccsbBroadEn_02431 EMG1 gene, encodes complete protein.
BC009856 - Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:3927564, **** WARNING: chimeric clone ****.
U72514 - Human C2f mRNA, complete cds.
U56253 - Human HeLa mRNA isolated as a false positive in a two-hybrid-screen.
U56427 - Human HeLa mRNA isolated as a false positive in a two-hybrid-screen.
KJ902105 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone ccsbBroadEn_11499 hypothetical protein, encodes complete protein.
JD434596 - Sequence 415620 from Patent EP1572962.
JD428208 - Sequence 409232 from Patent EP1572962.
JD081969 - Sequence 62993 from Patent EP1572962.
JD119566 - Sequence 100590 from Patent EP1572962.
JD342672 - Sequence 323696 from Patent EP1572962.
JD204874 - Sequence 185898 from Patent EP1572962.
JD062076 - Sequence 43100 from Patent EP1572962.
JD506753 - Sequence 487777 from Patent EP1572962.
JD089500 - Sequence 70524 from Patent EP1572962.
JD497594 - Sequence 478618 from Patent EP1572962.
DQ582446 - Homo sapiens piRNA piR-32558, complete sequence.
U72507 - Human 40871 mRNA partial sequence.

-  Biochemical and Signaling Pathways
  Reactome (by CSHL, EBI, and GO)

Protein Q92979 (Reactome details) participates in the following event(s):

R-HSA-6790906 EMG1 of the SSU processome methylates pseudouridine-1248 of 18S rRNA yielding N(1)-methylpseudouridine-1248
R-HSA-6791226 Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol
R-HSA-6790901 rRNA modification in the nucleus and cytosol
R-HSA-8868773 rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol
R-HSA-72312 rRNA processing
R-HSA-8953854 Metabolism of RNA

-  Other Names for This Gene
  Alternate Gene Symbols: C2F , EMG1 , ENST00000599672.1, ENST00000599672.2, ENST00000599672.3, ENST00000599672.4, ENST00000599672.5, NEP1_HUMAN, NM_006331, O00675, O00726, Q92979, uc327edj.1, uc327edj.2
UCSC ID: ENST00000599672.6_6
RefSeq Accession: NM_006331.8
Protein: Q92979 (aka NEP1_HUMAN)

-  Gene Model Information
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-  Methods, Credits, and Use Restrictions
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