Data Releases: Tracks, Tables, and Assemblies

This page contains track and table release information for the following genome assemblies:

For older log entries, please see this page.

Last updated 11 Mar 2025. Inquiries and feedback welcome.

10 Latest Changes (all assemblies)

Track Name Assembly
MITOMAP: A human mitochondrial genome database hg19 hg38
Splicing Impact Prediction Scores and Databases hg19 hg38
SpliceVarDB hg38
enGenome VarChat: Literature match and variant's summary hg19 hg38
AlphaMissense - missense amino acid substitution scores hg38 hg19
CIViC - Expert & crowd-sourced cancer variant interpretation hg38 hg19
COSMIC v101 hg19 hg38
NCBI Gene Orthologs for hg38, mm39, danRer11, canFam6, and bosTau9 hg38 mm39 danRer11 canFam6 bosTau9
DECIPHER: Developmental Disorders panel in the Gene2Phenotype database (DDG2P) for hg38 and hg19 hg38 hg19
GENCODE V47lift37 KnownGene hg19

Human Jan. 2022 (T2T CHM13v2.0/hs1) (hs1, Telomere to telomere (T2T) assembly of haploid CHM13 + chrY (GCA_009914755.4))

Track Name
Difficult regions from GIAB for hg38 and hs1
hs1 Primate Chain/Net
CRISPR/Cas9 -NGG Targets, whole genome
Mappability track for hs1
hs1 initial release

Human Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38) (hg38, GRCh38 Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 38 (GCA_000001405.15))

Track Name
MITOMAP: A human mitochondrial genome database
Splicing Impact Prediction Scores and Databases
enGenome VarChat: Literature match and variant's summary
AlphaMissense - missense amino acid substitution scores
CIViC - Expert & crowd-sourced cancer variant interpretation
NCBI Gene Orthologs for hg38, mm39, danRer11, canFam6, and bosTau9
DECIPHER: Developmental Disorders panel in the Gene2Phenotype database (DDG2P) for hg38 and hg19
Difficult regions from GIAB for hg38 and hs1
GENCODE V47 KnownGene
CADD 1.7 Scores for hg19 and hg38
ClinGen VCEP Specifications
GENCODE Genes archive tracks
Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) - Structural Variants v4.1
Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) - Copy number variants v4.1
gnomAD Constraint Metrics v4.1: Transcript LoF and Transcript Missense
Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) Genome and Exome Variants v4.1
Nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments
Human Gene Mutation Database - Public Version Dec 2023
All GENCODE annotations from V46 (Ensembl 112)
GENCODE V46 KnownGene
Aberrant Splicing Prediction Scores for hg19
NCBI RefSeq Functional Elements for human (hg38) and mouse (mm10)
Addition of a non-cancer filter for GRCh37/hg19 Exome Variants v2.1.1 and the hg38/GRCh38 Genome Variants v3.1.1
Data encoding change to prevent a comma-parsing bug that caused a small number of details pages to crash.
Aberrant Splicing Prediction Scores
gnomAD v4 Constraint Metrics
JASPAR Transcription Factors 2024
DECIPHER Dosage Sensitivity
Affy CytoScan HD for hg38
Avada Variants extracted from full text publications
Rearrangements including indels, inversions, and duplications
Multiple Alignment on 90 human genome assemblies from the HPRC Project
Human Genomes, Chain/Net Alignments, as mapped by the HPRC project
HPRC Short Variants
Cactus Alignment & Conservation on 447 mammal species, including Zoonomia genomes
VISTA Enhancers
GENCODE V44 KnownGene
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
IDT - xGen Exome Research Panel V1
Highly Reproducible genomic regions for sequencing
DGV Gold Standard for hg38
Problematic/special genomic regions for sequencing or very variable regions
Cross Tissue Nuclei
Updated DGV tracks for hg19/hg38
All GENCODE annotations from V43 (Ensembl 109)
Recombination rate
hg38/GRCh38 patch release 14
Multiz Alignment & Conservation (470 mammals)
UK Biobank / deCODE Genetics Depletion Rank Score
Illumina CytoSNP 850K Probe Array
Illumina 450k and 850k Methylation Arrays
JARVIS: score to prioritize non-coding regions for disease relevance
Homologous Missense Constraint Score on PFAM domains
gnomAD Constraint Metrics
GTEx cis-eQTL v8
The Gene Curation Coalition Annotations
REVEL Alternate Transcript Scores
Agilent GenetiSure Cyto Microarrays
Merged Single Cell Expression (14 organs)
GnomAD Genomes Mutational Constraint
ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions
Initial release of DECIPHER SNVs and CNVs
Chain/Net alignments, hg38, CHM13, HG002mat, HG002pat
CHM13 (GCA_009914755.4) v1_nfLO liftOver alignments
Tabula Sapiens
MANE v1.0
GENCODE V39 (knownGene)
Update to gnomAD data to remove pre-filters
JASPAR 2022 Update
Update to Twist Exome 2.0 Capture Probesets and Targeted Region
Fetal Gene Atlas from Cao et al 2020
Pancreas single cell sequencing from Baron et al 2016
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Hao et al 2020
Placenta and decidua cells from from Vento-Tormo et al 2018
Orphanet: Rare disease database
Cortex single cell data from Velmeshev 2019
Kidney Stewart Single Cell Track
Skin single cell data from Sole-Boldo et al 2020
Heart single cell RNA data from
Lung cells from from Travaglini et al 2020
Liver MacParland Single Cell Track
Single cell sequencing from Wang et al 2020
Muscle single cell data from De Micheli et al 2020
GTEx RNA-seq read coverage
hg38/GRCh38 patch release 13
Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) Annotations
JASPAR Transcription Factor Binding Sites
MANE select v0.95
human hg38 Cactus Alignment & Conservation of Placental Mammals from Zoonomia Project (241 Species)
GENCODE v38 track
Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) Genome Variants v3.1.1
human hg38 NCBI RefSeq update 109.20210226 (2021-03-01)
dbSNP Archive
REVEL Score for all possible single-base mutations (zoom for exact score)
GENCODE v36 knownGene Update
NCBI RefSeq updates
CADD Scores for hg19 and hg38
Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) Genome Variants v3.1
Exome Capture Probesets and Targeted Regions
ClinVar SNVs submitted interpretations and evidence
HGMD Variants 2020 update
GTEx Gene V8
MANE select v0.92
Genome in a Bottle: Ashkenazim and Chinese phased trios
Genome in a Bottle: Structural variants
COVID Rare Harmful Vars
Gene Reviews
ClinVar Variants
ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity Map and Gene-Disease Validity
GWAS meta-analyses from the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative
UCSC LiftOver and NCBI Remap alignments for human
ENCODE cCREs track available for human and mouse (hg38 and mm10)
1000 Genomes Project Family Trios
MANE select v0.9
All GENCODE annotations from V34
NCBI RefSeq/MANE Select: one representative transcript per protein-coding gene
NCBI RefSeq update Release 109.20190905 (2019-09-10)
Mastermind Variants
1000 Genomes Phase 3 Integrated Variant Calls from IGSR: SNVs and Indels
EPDnew Promoters track for human and mouse (hg19, hg38, mm10)
LRG update
gnomAD Variants
CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites, whole genome
GENCODE Genes v32
GENCODE release V31
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
GDC Cancer mutations: 33 TCGA Cancer Projects (Pan-Can 33)
Transcription Factor ChIP-seq Clusters (338 factors, 130 cell types) from ENCODE 3
Transcription Factor ChIP-seq Peaks (340 factors in 129 cell types) from ENCODE 3
CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites (exons +/- 10,000 bp)
Human Gene Mutation Database Public Variants 2018
Common SNPs(151), Flagged SNPs(151), Mult. SNPs(151), All SNPS(151) initial release
GENCODE Genes v29
GeneHancer Regulatory Elements and Gene Interactions
miRBase v22 data update
Detailed RepeatMasker Visualization using updated repeat libraries
NCBI RefSeq Genomic Differences
import of GENCODE V28 / Ensembl 92
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Human Gene Mutation Database Public Variants (HGMD)
Newest MalaCards Links (hg38 & hg19)
Mammal 30-way Conservation (27 primates)
Hoffman Lab Umap and Bismap Mappability for human
NCBI RefSeq Functional Elements for human (hg38) and mouse (mm10)
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
Transcript and Gene Expression in 33 TCGA Cancer Tissues (GENCODE v23)
Uniprot proteins
GENCODE V27 release
GTEx Transcript Expression
COSMIC: Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer v82.
GRCh38 patch release 11, alternate sequences and reference sequence patches
Common SNPs(150), Flagged SNPs(150), Mult. SNPs(150), All SNPS(150) initial release
COSMIC: Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer v81.
All GENCODE V26 release
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining
Human (hg38) and Horse (equCab2) Chain/Nets
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
GRCh38 patch release 9, alternate sequences and reference sequence patches

Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19) (hg19, GRCh37 Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 37 (GCA_000001405.1))

Track Name
MITOMAP: A human mitochondrial genome database
Splicing Impact Prediction Scores and Databases
enGenome VarChat: Literature match and variant's summary
AlphaMissense - missense amino acid substitution scores
CIViC - Expert & crowd-sourced cancer variant interpretation
DECIPHER: Developmental Disorders panel in the Gene2Phenotype database (DDG2P) for hg38 and hg19
GENCODE V47lift37 KnownGene
All GENCODE v47lift37
CADD 1.7 Scores for hg19 and hg38
ClinGen VCEP Specifications
GENCODE V45lift37 KnownGene
Human Gene Mutation Database - Public Version Dec 2023
GENCODE lifted annotations from V46lift37 (Ensembl 112)
Aberrant Splicing Prediction Scores for hg19
Addition of a non-cancer filter for GRCh37/hg19 Exome Variants v2.1.1 and the hg38/GRCh38 Genome Variants v3.1.1
Data encoding change to prevent a comma-parsing bug that caused a small number of details pages to crash.
Prediction Scores BayesDel - deleteriousness meta-score
JASPAR Transcription Factors 2024
DECIPHER Dosage Sensitivity
All GENCODE v45lift37
VISTA Enhancers
eMERGE polygenic risk scores
All GENCODE v44lift37
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
Updated DGV tracks for hg19/hg38
All GENCODE annotations from V43 (Ensembl 109)
All GENCODE V42lift37
Illumina CytoSNP 850K Probe Array
Illumina 450k and 850k Methylation Arrays
Update search for hg19 Problematic Regions
All GENCODE V41lift37
MTR Scores
JARVIS: score to prioritize non-coding regions for disease relevance
Homologous Missense Constraint Score on PFAM domains
The Gene Curation Coalition Annotations
REVEL Alternate Transcript Scores
GENCODE V40lift37
ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions
CHM13 (GCA_009914755.4) v1_nfLO liftOver alignments
GENCODE V39lift37 release
Update to gnomAD data to remove pre-filters
JASPAR 2022 Update
Update to Twist Exome 2.0 Capture Probesets and Targeted Region
Orphanet: Rare disease database
Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) Annotations
JASPAR Transcription Factor Binding Sites
GENCODE V38lift37
dbSNP Archive
REVEL Score for all possible single-base mutations (zoom for exact score)
human hg19 NCBI RefSeq update
gnomAD Predicted Constraint Metrics (pLI and Z-scores)
Haploinsufficiency from DECIPHER (version 3)
GENCODE V37lift37
sno/miRNA update
Predicted microRNA target sites from TargetScanHuman 7.2 (March 2018)
NCBI RefSeq updates
CADD Scores for hg19 and hg38
Exome Capture Probesets and Targeted Regions
GENCODE V36lift37
GnomAD v2.1.1 exomes and genomes
ClinVar SNVs submitted interpretations and evidence
HGMD Variants 2020 update
GENCODE V35lift37 (GENCODE V35 mapped to GRCh37)
GTEx Gene V8
Genome in a Bottle: Ashkenazim and Chinese phased trios
Genome in a Bottle: Structural variants
COVID Rare Harmful Vars
gnomAD Pext Expression Scores
Gene Reviews
ClinVar Variants
ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity Map and Gene-Disease Validity
GWAS meta-analyses from the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative
UCSC LiftOver and NCBI Remap alignments for human
RefSeq Diff
GENCODE genes v34lift37
Problematic genome regions for sequencing and assembly annotated by UCSC, NCBI, NIST, and ENCODE.
gnomAD Regional Constraint
gnomAD Predicted Loss of Function Constraint Metrics
gnomAD v2.1 structural variants
chrMT patch 13 release
NCBI RefSeq/MANE Select: one representative transcript per protein-coding gene
GENCODE lifted annotations from V33lift37 (Ensembl 99)
Mastermind Variants
Avada Variants
EPDnew Promoters track for human and mouse (hg19, hg38, mm10)
LOVD update
LRG update
Illumina Global Diversity Array
GENCODE release V31 mapped to GRCh37/hg19 (V31lift37)
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites, whole genome
Database of Genomic Variants: Gold Standard Variants
Transcription Factor ChIP-seq Clusters (338 factors, 130 cell types) from ENCODE 3
Transcription Factor ChIP-seq Peaks (340 factors in 129 cell types) from ENCODE 3
Genomenon Mastermind Text-mined variants
CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites (exons +/- 10,000 bp)
Human Gene Mutation Database Public Variants 2018
Common SNPs(151), Flagged SNPs(151), Mult. SNPs(151), All SNPS(151) initial release
GeneHancer Regulatory Elements and Gene Interactions
Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) Variants and Coverage
GENCODE V28lift37, GENCODE V28 back-mapped to GRCh37/hg19
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Human Gene Mutation Database Public Variants (HGMD)
Newest MalaCards Links (hg38 & hg19)
GTEx Combined eQTL
GTEx Tissue eQTL
GENCODE V27lift37 release, mapped from GRCh38/hg38 to GRCh37/hg19
Uniprot proteins
GTEx Transcript Expression
COSMIC: Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer v82.
Common SNPs(150), Flagged SNPs(150), Mult. SNPs(150), All SNPS(150) initial release
COSMIC: Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer v81.
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Pfam in UCSC Genes (update)

Human Mar. 2006 (NCBI36/hg18) (hg18, NCBI Build 36.1)

Track Name
Gene Reviews

Mouse Jun. 2020 (GRCm39/mm39) (mm39, Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 39 (GCA_000001635.9))

Track Name
NCBI Gene Orthologs for hg38, mm39, danRer11, canFam6, and bosTau9
GENCODE VM36 KnownGene
GENCODE Genes archive tracks
EVA SNP Release 6
All GENCODE annotations from VM35 (Ensembl 112)
GENCODE VM35 KnownGene
JASPAR Transcription Factors 2024
VISTA Enhancers
EVA SNP release 5
GENCODE VM33 KnownGene
EVA SNP Release 4
UCSC liftOver alignments to mm10/mm39
GRC Incident Database
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
All GENCODE annotations from VM32 (Ensembl 109)
Mouse mm39 mm10 NCBI RefSeq select release
EVA SNP Release 3
ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions
GENCODE VM28 release
JASPAR 2022 Update
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
mouse mm39 Chain and Net Alignments
NCBI RefSeq updates
Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (35 Species)
Initial mm39 release (using Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 39 (GCA_000001635.9) GRCm39 (NCBI project 20689, GCA_000001635.9) AUGUSTUS Assembly CRISPR Targets Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite Mouse Chain/Net RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Mouse Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) (mm10, Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 38 (GCA_000001635.2))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
NCBI RefSeq Functional Elements for human (hg38) and mouse (mm10)
JASPAR Transcription Factors 2024
VISTA Enhancers
EVA SNP release 5
All Gaps
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
EVA SNP Release 4
UCSC liftOver alignments to mm10/mm39
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Mouse mm39 mm10 NCBI RefSeq select release
EVA SNP Release 3
ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions
JASPAR 2022 Update
dbSNP Archive
GRCm38 patch release 6
ENCODE cCREs track available for human and mouse (hg38 and mm10)
RefSeq Diff
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
EPDnew Promoters track for human and mouse (hg19, hg38, mm10)
ENCODE Enhancer-Gene Map
CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites, whole genome
A comprehensive study of chromatin accessibility across these developmental stages
Chromatin state annotations derived from ChIP-seq of histone modifications
A comprehensive study of chromatin state across these developmental stages
GENCODE VM23 Comprehensive Transcript Set (only Basic displayed by default)
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Tabula Muris
Detailed RepeatMasker Visualization using updated repeat libraries
GENCODE Mouse VM18 release
Crispr Targets 10K
UCSC Genes v17 for GRCm38/mm10
GENCODE Mouse release VM16
NCBI RefSeq Functional Elements for human (hg38) and mouse (mm10)
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Uniprot proteins
Mouse SNPs
GENCODE VM14 Release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Mouse July 2007 (NCBI37/mm9) (mm9, NCBI Build 37)

Track Name
VISTA Enhancers

A. gambiae Oct. 2006 (AgamP3/anoGam3) (anoGam3, The International Consortium for the Sequencing of Anopheles Genome)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Initial anoGam3 release (using The International Consortium for the Sequencing of Anopheles Genome AgamP3 (NCBI project 1438, GCF_000005575.2) A. gambiae Chain/Net AUGUSTUS Assembly Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands D. melanogaster Chain and Net GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite RefSeq Acc RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

A. gambiae Feb. 2003 (IAGEC MOZ2/anoGam1) (anoGam1, IAGEC v.MOZ2)

Track Name

A. mellifera Jan. 2005 (Baylor 2.0/apiMel2) (apiMel2, Baylor HGSC Amel_2.0)

Track Name
A. mellifera apiMel2 CpG Islands

African clawed frog Aug. 2016 (Xenopus_laevis_v2/xenLae2) (xenLae2, International Xenopus Sequencing Consortium)

Track Name
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
Initial xenLae2 release (using International Xenopus Sequencing Consortium Xenopus_laevis_v2 (NCBI project 338693, GCF_001663975.1)), AUGUSTUS, African clawed frog Chain/Net, Assembly, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Gap Overlaps, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, X. tropicalis Chain and Net

Alpaca Mar. 2013 (Vicugna_pacos-2.0.1/vicPac2) (vicPac2, Broad Institute)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Alpaca Jul. 2008 (Broad/vicPac1) (vicPac1, Broad Institute vicPac1)

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

American alligator Aug. 2012 (allMis0.2/allMis1) (allMis1, International Crocodilian Genomes Working Group)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Armadillo Dec. 2011 (Baylor/dasNov3) (dasNov3, Baylor College of Medicine Dasnov3.0 (GCA_000208655.2))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Atlantic cod May 2010 (Genofisk GadMor_May2010/gadMor1) (gadMor1, Genofisk GadMor_May2010 (GCA_000231765.1))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Baboon Nov. 2008 (Baylor Pham_1.0/papHam1) (papHam1, Baylor BCM HGSC Pham_1.0)

Track Name

Baboon Apr. 2017 (Panu_3.0/papAnu4) (papAnu4, Human Genome Sequencing Center)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Baboon Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, Ensembl Genes, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Baboon Mar. 2012 (Baylor Panu_2.0/papAnu2) (papAnu2, Baylor College of Medicine)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v90 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Bison Oct. 2014 (Bison_UMD1.0/bisBis1) (bisBis1, U. Maryland)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Bison Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust)

Bonobo May 2020 (Mhudiblu_PPA_v0/panPan3) (panPan3, University of Washington)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Initial panPan3 release (using University of Washington Mhudiblu_PPA_v0 (NCBI project 526933, GCF_013052645.1) AUGUSTUS Assembly Bonobo Chain/Net CRISPR Targets Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes

Bonobo Aug. 2015 (MPI-EVA panpan1.1/panPan2) (panPan2, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Initial panPan2 release (using Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology MPI-EVA panpan1.1 (NCBI project 169343, GCF_000258655.2): AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Bonobo Chain/Net, Chimp Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Gorilla Chain/Net, Human Chain/Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain/Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust.

Bonobo May 2012 (Max-Planck/panPan1) (panPan1, Max-Planck Institute panpan1 (GCA_000258655.1))

Track Name
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names

Brown kiwi Jun. 2015 (MPI-EVA AptMant0/aptMan1) (aptMan1, Max-Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology AptMant0)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.

Budgerigar Sep. 2011 (WUSTL v6.3/melUnd1) (melUnd1, WUSTL Melopsittacus undulatus Budgerigar Version 6.3 (GCA_000238935.1))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Bushbaby Mar. 2011 (Broad/otoGar3) (otoGar3, Broad Institute (GCA_000181295.3))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

C. brenneri Feb. 2008 (WUGSC 6.0.1/caePb2) (caePb2, Washington University School of Medicine GSC Caenorhabditis brenneri (PB2801) 6.0.1)

Track Name

C. briggsae Jan. 2007 (WUGSC 1.0/cb3) (cb3, Washington University School of Medicine GSC and Sanger Institute cb3)

Track Name

C. elegans Feb. 2013 (WBcel235/ce11) (ce11, C. elegans Sequencing Consortium WBcel235 (GCA_000002985.3))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Multiz Alignment & Conservation (135 species: 112 nematodes, 22 flatworms and Ciona intestinalis)
Ensembl v92 release
CRISPR track for ce11
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
Uniprot proteins

C. elegans Oct. 2010 (WS220/ce10) (ce10, Washington University School of Medicine GSC and Sanger Institute WS220)

Track Name
Uniprot proteins

C. elegans May 2008 (WS190/ce6) (ce6, Washington University School of Medicine GSC and Sanger Institute WS190)

Track Name

C. intestinalis Apr. 2011 (Kyoto KH/ci3) (ci3, Kyoto KH)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Initial ci3 release (using Kyoto KH Kyoto KH (NCBI project 187185, GCF_000224145.1) Assembly, C. elegans Chain and Net, C. intestinalis Chain/Net, C. savignyi Cha, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, Ensembl Genes, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, S. purp, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust.

C. japonica Mar. 2008 (WUGSC 3.0.2/caeJap1) (caeJap1, Washington University School of Medicine GSC C. remanei 3.0.2)

Track Name

C. remanei May 2007 (WUGSC 15.0.1/caeRem3) (caeRem3, Washington University School of Medicine GSC C. remanei 15.0.1)

Track Name

Cat Nov. 2017 (Felis_catus_9.0/felCat9) (felCat9, Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial felCat9 release (using Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine Felis_catus_9.0 (NCBI project 16726, GCF_000181335.3), AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Cat Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Cat Nov. 2014 (ICGSC Felis_catus_8.0/felCat8) (felCat8, International Cat Genome Sequencing Consortium)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Cat Sep. 2011 (ICGSC Felis_catus 6.2/felCat5) (felCat5, International Cat Genome Sequencing Consortium Felis_catus-6.2 (NCBI project 16726, accession AANG00000000.2, GCA_000181335.2))

Track Name
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v90 release

Chicken Mar. 2018 (GRCg6a/galGal6) (galGal6, Genome Reference Consortium)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq Diff
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
GRC Incident track
Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (77 Species)
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Initial galGal6 release (using Genome Reference Consortium GRCg6a (NCBI project 13342, GCF_000002315.5), AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Regions 10K, CRISPR Targets 10K, Chicken Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Chicken Dec 2015 (Gallus_gallus-5.0/galGal5) (galGal5, ICGC Gallus_gallus-5.0 (GCA_000002315.3))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
Ensembl v89 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
All SNPs(147), Mult SNPs(147) Initial Release
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Chicken Nov. 2011 (ICGSC Gallus_gallus-4.0/galGal4) (galGal4, ICGSC Gallus_gallus-4.0 (GCA_000002315.2))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names

Chimp Jan. 2018 (Clint_PTRv2/panTro6) (panTro6, University of Washington)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Initial panTro6 release (using University of Washington Clint_PTRv2 (NCBI project 369439, GCF_002880755.1): AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chimp Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.

Chimp May 2016 (Pan_tro 3.0/panTro5) (panTro5, Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Chimp Feb. 2011 (CSAC 2.1.4/panTro4) (panTro4, CSAC Pan_troglodytes-2.1.4 (GCA_000001515.4))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v90 release

Chinese hamster Jun. 2017 (CHOK1S_HZDv1/criGriChoV2) (criGriChoV2, Eagle Genomics Ltd)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial criGriChoV2 release (using Eagle Genomics Ltd CHOK1S_HZDv1 (NCBI project 0, GCA_900186095.1) AUGUSTUS Assembly Chinese hamster Chain/Net Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands Ensembl Genes GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite Mouse Chain and Net RefSeq Acc RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Chinese hamster Aug. 2011 (CHO K1 cell line/criGriChoV1) (criGriChoV1, Beijing Genomics Institute)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
Initial criGriChoV1 release (using Beijing Genomics Institute CHO K1 cell line (NCBI project 69991, GCF_000223135.1)) AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chinese hamster Chain and Net, Chinese hamster Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Gap Overlaps, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Chinese hamster Jul. 2013 (C_griseus_v1.0/criGri1) (criGri1, Beijing Genomics Institution-Shenzhen)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Crispr track for criGri1
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Chinese pangolin Aug 2014 (M_pentadactyla-1.1.1/manPen1) (manPen1, Washington University (WashU) GCA_000738955.1)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial manPen1 release (Chinese Pangolin, Manis pentadactyla, NCBI Bioproject: 20331, Accession ID: GCA_000738955.1) Assembly, AUGUSTUS, Chain/Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent Gap, Genscan Genes, Human (hg38) Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse (mm10) Chain and Net, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, supporting tables and files.

Coelacanth Aug. 2011 (Broad/latCha1) (latCha1, Broad LatCha1 (GCA_000225785.1))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Cow Apr. 2018 (ARS-UCD1.2/bosTau9) (bosTau9, USDA ARS)

Track Name
NCBI Gene Orthologs for hg38, mm39, danRer11, canFam6, and bosTau9
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Regions 10K, CRISPR Targets 10K, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), Cow Chain/Net, CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Cow Jun. 2014 (Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1/bosTau8) (bosTau8, University of Maryland Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Cow Oct. 2011 (Baylor Btau_4.6.1/bosTau7) (bosTau7, Btau_4.6.1 (NCBI project 12555, accession GCA_000003205.4))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4

Cow Nov. 2009 (Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1/bosTau6) (bosTau6, UMD_3.1 (NCBI project 10708, accession GCA_000003055.3))

Track Name
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Crab-eating macaque Jun. 2013 (Macaca_fascicularis_5.0/macFas5) (macFas5, Washington University (WashU) GCA_000364345.1)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

D. ananassae Aug. 2005 (Agencourt prelim/droAna2) (droAna2, Agencourt 1 August 2005)

Track Name

D. erecta Aug. 2005 (Agencourt prelim/droEre1) (droEre1, Agencourt 1 Aug 2005)

Track Name

D. grimshawi Aug. 2005 (Agencourt prelim/droGri1) (droGri1, Agencourt 1 Aug 2005)

Track Name

D. melanogaster Aug. 2014 (BDGP Release 6 + ISO1 MT/dm6) (dm6, The FlyBase Consortium/Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project/Celera Genomics (GCA_000001215.4))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq Diff
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Multiz Alignment & Conservation (124 Insects)
Ensembl v92 release
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
Uniprot proteins

D. mojavensis Aug. 2005 (Agencourt prelim/droMoj2) (droMoj2, Agencourt 1 August 2005)

Track Name

D. persimilis Oct. 2005 (Broad/droPer1) (droPer1, Broad 28 Oct. 2005)

Track Name
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names

D. pseudoobscura Nov. 2004 (FlyBase 1.03/dp3) (dp3, FlyBase Release 1.03)

Track Name

D. sechellia Oct. 2005 (Broad/droSec1) (droSec1, Broad 28 Oct. 2005)

Track Name

D. simulans Apr. 2005 (WUGSC mosaic 1.0/droSim1) (droSim1, WUSTL version 1.0)

Track Name

D. virilis Aug. 2005 (Agencourt prelim/droVir2) (droVir2, Agencourt 1 August 2005)

Track Name

D. yakuba Nov. 2005 (WUGSC 7.1/droYak2) (droYak2, WUSTL version 2.0)

Track Name

Dog Oct. 2020 (Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha/canFam6) (canFam6, Dog Genome Sequencing Consortium)

Track Name
NCBI Gene Orthologs for hg38, mm39, danRer11, canFam6, and bosTau9
Initial canFam6 release (using Dog Genome Sequencing Consortium Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha (NCBI project 13179, GCF_000002285.5) AUGUSTUS Assembly CRISPR Targets Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands Dog Chain/Net GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite Mouse Chain and Net RefSeq Acc RefSeq Alignments RefSeq All RefSeq Curated RefSeq Other RefSeq Predicted RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Dog May 2019 (UMICH_Zoey_3.1/canFam5) (canFam5, University of Michigan)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Targets, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, Dog Chain/Net, Ensembl Genes, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Dog Mar. 2020 (UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0/canFam4) (canFam4, Uppsala University)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
dog canFam4 NCBI RefSeq
Lindblad-Toh lab, SNPs, genes, variations tracks
Initial canFam4 release (using Uppsala University UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 (NCBI project 587469, GCA_011100685.1) AUGUSTUS Assembly CRISPR Targets Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands Dog Chain and Net Dog Chain/Net GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite Mouse Chain and Net RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Dog Sep. 2011 (Broad CanFam3.1/canFam3) (canFam3, Broad CanFam3.1 (GCA_000002285.2))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Dolphin Oct. 2011 (Baylor Ttru_1.4/turTru2) (turTru2, Baylor College of Medicine Ttru_1.4 (NCBI project 20365, GCA_000151865.2, WGS ABRN02))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Ebola virus Sierra Leone 2014 (G3683/KM034562.1/eboVir3) (eboVir3, West Africa 01 June 2014 EBOV/G3683/KM034562.1)

Track Name

Elephant Jul. 2009 (Broad/loxAfr3) (loxAfr3, Broad Institute loxAfr3 (NCBI project 12569, AAGU03000000))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Elephant shark Dec. 2013 (Callorhinchus_milii-6.1.3/calMil1) (calMil1, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Ferret Apr. 2011 (MusPutFur1.0/musFur1) (musFur1, Ferret Genome Sequencing Consortium)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Fugu Oct. 2011 (FUGU5/fr3) (fr3, Fugu Genome Sequencing Consortium - FUGU5 (NCBI project 1434, GCA_000180615.2))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Fugu Oct. 2004 (JGI 4.0/fr2) (fr2, JGI V4.0)

Track Name
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

GRCh37.p13 Jun. 2013 (hg19Patch13, GRCh37 patch 13 Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 37)

Track Name
GRCh37 patch release 13, alternate sequences and reference sequence patches

Garter snake Jun. 2015 (Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0/thaSir1) (thaSir1, The Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine (WUGSC))

Track Name
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial thaSir1 release (using The Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine (WUGSC) Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0 (NCBI project 189551, GCF_001077635.1): AUGUSTUS,Assembly,Chromosome Band (Ideogram),CpG Islands,GC Percent,Gap,Garter snake Chain/Net,Genscan Genes,Human Chain and Net,INSDC,Interrupted Rpts,Microsatellite,Mouse Chain and Net,RefSeq Acc,RefSeq Alignments,RefSeq All,RefSeq Other,RefSeq Predicted,RepeatMasker,Simple Repeats,Unmasked CpG,WM + SDust

Gibbon Oct. 2012 (GGSC Nleu3.0/nomLeu3) (nomLeu3, Gibbon Genome Sequencing Consortium )

Track Name
gibbon nomLeu3 NCBI RefSeq genes
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Gibbon Jan. 2010 (GGSC Nleu1.0/nomLeu1) (nomLeu1, GGSC (NCBI project 13975, accession GCA_000146795.1))

Track Name
Ensembl v90 release

Golden eagle Oct. 2014 (aquChr-1.0.2/aquChr2) (aquChr2, WashU)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial aquChr2 release (using WashU aquChr-1.0.2 (NCBI project 256103, GCA_000766835.1): AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chicken Chain and Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Golden eagle Chain/Net, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, supporting tables and files.

Golden snub-nosed monkey Oct. 2014 (Rrox_v1/rhiRox1) (rhiRox1, Novogene)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
Initial rhiRox1 release (using Novogene Rrox_v1 (NCBI project 266995, GCA_000769185.1): Assembly, Gap, GC Percent, INSDC, Short Match, Restr Enzymes, AUGUSTUS, Genscan Genes, Other RefSeq, CpG Islands, Human Chain/Net, Tarsier Chain/Net, RepeatMasker, Microsatellite, Interrupted Rpts, WM + SDust, Simple Repeats.

Gorilla Aug. 2019 (Kamilah_GGO_v0/gorGor6) (gorGor6, University of Washington)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Initial gorGor6 release (using University of Washington Kamilah_GGO_v0 (NCBI project 369439, GCF_008122165.1), AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Targets, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Gorilla Chain/Net, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Gorilla Mar. 2016 (GSMRT3/gorGor5) (gorGor5, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Gorilla Dec 2014 (gorGor4.1/gorGor4) (gorGor4, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Dec 2014 (NCBI project 31265, GCA_000151905.1))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Gorilla May 2011 (gorGor3.1/gorGor3) (gorGor3, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute May 2011 (NCBI project 31265, GCA_000151905.1))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Ensembl v90 release

Green monkey Mar. 2014 (Chlorocebus_sabeus 1.1/chlSab2) (chlSab2, Vervet Genomics Consortium GCA_000409795.2)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Ensembl genes v86 for Green Monkey (chlSab2)

Guinea pig Feb. 2008 (Broad/cavPor3) (cavPor3, Broad Institute cavPor3)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Hawaiian monk seal Jun. 2017 (ASM220157v1/neoSch1) (neoSch1, Johns Hopkins University)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Initial neoSch1 release (using Johns Hopkins University ASM220157v1 (NCBI project 384558, GCF_002201575.1), AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chimp Chain and Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, Dog Chain and Net, Elephant Chain and Net, GC Percent, Gap, Gap Overlaps, Genscan Genes, Hawaiian monk seal Chain/Net, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, Opossum Chain and Net, Platypus Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Rhesus Chain and Net, Simple Repeats, Tandem Dups, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust,

Hedgehog May 2012 (EriEur2.0/eriEur2) (eriEur2, Broad Institute EriEur2.0)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Hedgehog June 2006 (Broad/eriEur1) (eriEur1, Broad Institute eriEur1 (Draft_v1, NCBI project 12575))

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Horse Jan. 2018 (EquCab3.0/equCab3) (equCab3, University of Louisville)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Horse Chain/Net, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Horse Sep. 2007 (Broad/equCab2) (equCab2, Broad Institute EquCab2)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
Human (hg38) and Horse (equCab2) Chain/Nets
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Japanese quail Mar. 2016 (Coturnix japonica 2.0/cotJap2) (cotJap2, McDonnell Genome Institute - Washington University School of Medicine)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.

Kangaroo rat Jul. 2008 (Broad/dipOrd1) (dipOrd1, Broad Institute dipOrd1 (NCBI project 20385, ABRO01000000))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Lamprey Dec. 2017 (Pmar_germline 1.0/petMar3) (petMar3, University of Kentucky)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial petMar3 release (using University of Kentucky Pmar_germline 1.0 (NCBI project 357048, GCA_002833325.1): AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Lamprey Chain/Net, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust.

Lamprey Sep. 2010 (WUGSC 7.0/petMar2) (petMar2, GSC Washington University School of Medicine)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Lancelet Mar. 2006 (JGI 1.0/braFlo1) (braFlo1, JGI v.1.0 (March 2006))

Track Name

Little brown bat Jul. 2010 (Broad Institute Myoluc2.0/myoLuc2) (myoLuc2, Broad Institute (NCBI Project ID: 16951, Accession: GCA_000147115.1))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Lizard May 2010 (Broad AnoCar2.0/anoCar2) (anoCar2, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard AnoCar 2.0 (GCA_000090745.1))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Malayan flying lemur Jun. 2014 (G_variegatus-3.0.2/galVar1) (galVar1, Washington University (WashU))

Track Name
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Manatee Oct. 2011 (Broad v1.0/triMan1) (triMan1, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard TriManLat1.0 (GCA_000243295.1))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Marmoset May 2020 (Callithrix_jacchus_cj1700_1.1/calJac4) (calJac4, McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University)

Track Name
University of Washington Iso-Seq Mappings of 10 marmoset RNA tissue samples.
Comparative Annotation Toolkit (CAT) gene annotations based on GENCODE v33
Initial calJac4 release (using McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University Callithrix_jacchus_cj1700_1.1 (NCBI project 566173, GCF_009663435.1) AUGUSTUS Assembly CRISPR Targets Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands Crab-eating macaque Chain and Net GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Marmoset Chain/Net Microsatellite Mouse Chain and Net RefSeq Acc RefSeq Alignments RefSeq All RefSeq Curated RefSeq Other RefSeq Predicted RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Marmoset March 2009 (WUGSC 3.2/calJac3) (calJac3, WUSTL 3.2 (GCA_000004665.1))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Medaka Oct. 2005 (NIG/UT MEDAKA1/oryLat2) (oryLat2, NIG and Tokyo Univ MEDAKA1 (NCBI project 16702, BAAF04000000))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Medium ground finch Apr. 2012 (GeoFor_1.0/geoFor1) (geoFor1, Beijing Genomics Institute)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Megabat Jul. 2008 (Broad/pteVam1) (pteVam1, Broad Institute pteVam1 (NCBI project 20325, ABRP01000000))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Minke whale Oct. 2013 (BalAcu1.0/balAcu1) (balAcu1, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names

Monkeypox virus MPXV-M5312_HM12_Rivers (MT903340.1/GCF_014621545.1) (mpxvRivers, Monkeypox virus)

Track Name
Genbank Alignments
Viralzone Transcriptome
Monkeypox virus

Mouse lemur May 2015 (Mouse lemur/micMur2) (micMur2, Broad Institute and Baylor College of Medicine Mmur_2.0)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v90 release
Ensembl v89 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Naked mole-rat Jan. 2012 (Broad HetGla_female_1.0/hetGla2) (hetGla2, Broad Institute HetGla_female_1.0 (NCBI project 72441, GCA_000247695.1, WGS AHKG01))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Naked mole-rat Jul. 2011 (BGI HetGla_1.0/hetGla1) (hetGla1, HetGla_1.0 (NCBI project 68323, accession GCA_000230445.1)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Nile tilapia Nov. 2016 (ASM185804v2/oreNil3) (oreNil3, University of Maryland)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.

Nile tilapia Jan. 2011 (Broad oreNil1.1/oreNil2) (oreNil2, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Orenil1.1 (GCA_000188235.2))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Opossum Oct. 2006 (Broad/monDom5) (monDom5, Broad Institute monDom5 (NCBI project 12561, accession AAFR03000000))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
Ensembl v89 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Orangutan Jan. 2018 (Susie_PABv2/ponAbe3) (ponAbe3, University of Washington)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial ponAbe3 release (using University of Washington Susie_PABv2 (NCBI project 369439, GCF_002880775.1), AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, Orangutan Chain/Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Orangutan July 2007 (WUGSC 2.0.2/ponAbe2) (ponAbe2, WUSTL 3.0)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

P. pacificus Feb. 2007 (WUGSC 5.0/priPac1) (priPac1, Washington University School of Medicine GSC Pristionchus pacificus 5.0)

Track Name

Painted turtle Dec. 2011 (v3.0.1/chrPic1) (chrPic1, International Painted Turtle Genome Sequencing Consortium (GCA_000241765.1))

Track Name

Panda Dec. 2009 (BGI-Shenzhen 1.0/ailMel1) (ailMel1, BGI-Shenzhen AilMel 1.0 Dec. 2009)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
Ensembl release v99
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Pig Feb. 2017 (Sscrofa11.1/susScr11) (susScr11, The Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium (SGSC))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
Initial susScr11 release (using The Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium (SGSC) Sscrofa11.1 (NCBI project 13421, GCF_000003025.6)) AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, Pig Chain/Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust.

Pig Aug. 2011 (SGSC Sscrofa10.2/susScr3) (susScr3, SGSC Sscrofa10.2 (NCBI project 13421, GCA_000003025.4, WGS AEMK01))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Pika May 2012 (OchPri3.0/ochPri3) (ochPri3, Broad Institute)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Pika Jul. 2008 (Broad/ochPri2) (ochPri2, Broad Institute ochPri2)

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Platypus Feb. 2007 (ASM227v2/ornAna2) (ornAna2, WUGSC ASM227v2)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
Ensembl v89 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Platypus Mar. 2007 (WUGSC 5.0.1/ornAna1) (ornAna1, WUSTL version 5.0.1)

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
Ensembl v89 release

Proboscis monkey Nov. 2014 (Charlie1.0/nasLar1) (nasLar1, Proboscis Monkey Functional Genome Consortium)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial nasLar1 release (using Proboscis Monkey Functional Genome Consortium): Assembly, Augustus, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genbank-process tracks and supporting tables, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Tarsier Chain and Net, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, supporting tables and files.

Rabbit Apr. 2009 (Broad/oryCun2) (oryCun2, Broad Institute oryCun2 (NCBI project 12819, AAGW00000000))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Rat Nov. 2020 (mRatBN7.2/rn7) (rn7, Wellcome Sanger Institute)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Targets, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, Rat Chain/Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Diffs, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Rat Jul. 2014 (RGSC 6.0/rn6) (rn6, RGSC Rnor_6.0 (GCA_000001895.4))

Track Name
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
RefSeq Diff
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Ensembl v91 release
Uniprot proteins
Ensembl v89 release
Mouse SNPs
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets
Vertebrate 20-way Conservation

Rat Mar. 2012 (RGSC 5.0/rn5) (rn5, RGSC Rnor_5.0 (GCA_000001895.3))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4

Rhesus Feb. 2019 (Mmul_10/rheMac10) (rheMac10, The Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
EVA SNP Release 3
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Annotated SNVs from the Rhesus Macaque Sequencing Consortium
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Gap Overlaps, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Rhesus Chain/Net, Simple Repeats, Tandem Dups, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Rhesus Nov. 2015 (BCM Mmul_8.0.1/rheMac8) (rheMac8, Baylor College of Medicine Genome Sequencing Center)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage tracks
EVA SNP Release 4
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Rock hyrax Jul. 2008 (Broad/proCap1) (proCap1, Broad Institute proCap1 (NCBI project 13972, ABRQ01000000))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

S. cerevisiae Apr. 2011 (SacCer_Apr2011/sacCer3) (sacCer3, Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c assembly from Saccharomyces Genome Database (GCA_000146045.2))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq Diff
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Ensembl v91 release

S. cerevisiae June 2008 (SGD/sacCer2) (sacCer2, SGD June 2008)

Track Name

S. purpuratus Sep. 2006 (Baylor 2.1/strPur2) (strPur2, Baylor release 3 Spur 2.1)

Track Name

SARS-CoV-2 Jan. 2020 (NC_045512.2) (wuhCor1, SARS-CoV-2)

Track Name
Variants of Concern update (Jan 29, 2024)
Recombination Breakpoints
Mutations that confer drug resistance
NEB VarSkip Primers
Nat. Selection (Pond)
Variants of Concern
Galaxy ENA mutations
New COVID track on Predicted Drug Resistance
ARTIC V4.1 Oxford Nanopore sequencing primers
SARS-CoV-2 Phylogeny
Problematic Sites
SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern V2
T-Cell MHCI CD8+ Escape Mutations
COVID Vaccines BioNTech/Pfizer BNT-162b2 and mRNA-1273
Swift Bioscience Sequencing Primers
Antibody Escape
Spike protein mutations from community annotation (Feb 2021)
Mutations in Variants of Concern (VOC) or Interest (VOI) identified from GISAID sequences (Feb 5, 2021)
SARS-CoV-2: Update Phylogeny: Public
Spike protein mutations from community annotation
B.1.1.7 in USA
Updating Phylogeny tracks from sarscov2phylo release 28-08-20 (59,600 GISAID samples, 30,241 public samples) to 28-10-20 (120,261 GISAID samples, 67,515 public samples).
Antibody escape mutations from the Whelan lab, WUSTL (2H04)
S-Protein Antibody Peptide Microarray
IgM and IgG Antibody Peptide Microarray from Beijing
SARS-CoV-2 Intrahost SNPs
RNA SHAPE data from Anna Pyle lab
IEDB Validated Epitopes
SARS-CoV-2 Phylo Public Sequences
Weizman ORFs (based on public track hub)
icSHAPE RNA Structure
RBD Deep Scanning Mutagenesis (Bloom lab)
Pot. pathogenic indels
update to Problematic Sites track
Natural Selection
Updated Nextstrain tracks to include both new and old clades.
Nextstrain Variants Alternate Allele Frequency
Problematic sites
PhyloCSF Genes
PDB Ligand Contacts
Parsimony Scores for Nextstrain Variants
RAPID Sequencing Primers Track
UniProt Proteins
Multiple alignment of seven human coronavirus sequences
PhyloCSF Codon Substitution Frequencies
Kim 2020 in-vitro-transcribed RNA seq + PCR: Nanopore coverage
NCBI Proteins
CD8 RosettaMHC
Multiple alignment, 119 coronavirus sequences
Kim Transcripts
T-reactive epitopes
CRISPR Detection and Protein Interactions
ARTIC Oxford Nanopore sequencing primers
Cas13 CRISPR targets
Rangan RNA
User-contributed annotations via
RECON HLA epitopes
PDB Structures
RT-PCR Primers for wuhCor1
RNA Modifications and RNA transcript breakpoints from Kim et al, Cell 2020
Predicted Epitopes
Multiz Alignment & Conservation (44 Strains with bats as hosts)
Initial wuhCor1 release (using 2019-nCoV ASM985889v3 (NCBI project 485481, GCF_009858895.2): AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Targets, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, INSDC, NCBI Genes, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust

Sea hare Sept. 2008 (Broad 2.0/aplCal1) (aplCal1, Broad v. Aplcal2.0)

Track Name

Sheep Nov. 2015 (Oar_v4.0/oviAri4) (oviAri4, International Sheep Genome Consortium)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
NCBI RefSeq updates
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Initial oviAri4 release (using International Sheep Genome Consortium Oar_v4.0 (NCBI project 169880, GCF_000298735.2) AUGUSTUS Assembly Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite Mouse Chain and Net RefSeq Acc RefSeq Alignments RefSeq All RefSeq Curated RefSeq Other RefSeq Predicted RepeatMasker Sheep Chain/Net Simple Repeats Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Sheep Aug. 2012 (ISGC Oar_v3.1/oviAri3) (oviAri3, International Sheep Genome Consortium)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Shrew Aug. 2008 (Broad/sorAra2) (sorAra2, Broad Institute SorAra2.0)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Shrew June 2006 (Broad/sorAra1) (sorAra1, Broad Institute sorAra1 (Draft_v2))

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Sloth Jul. 2008 (Broad/choHof1) (choHof1, Broad Institute choHof1)

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Southern sea otter Jun. 2019 (ASM641071v1/enhLutNer1) (enhLutNer1, UCLA)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Initial enhLutNer1 release (using UCLA ASM641071v1 (NCBI project 472597, GCA_006410715.1) AUGUSTUS Assembly CRISPR Regions 10K CRISPR Targets 10K Chromosome Band (Ideogram) CpG Islands GC Percent Gap Genscan Genes Human Chain and Net INSDC Interrupted Rpts Microsatellite Mouse Chain and Net RepeatMasker Simple Repeats Southern sea otter Chain/Net Unmasked CpG WM + SDust

Squirrel Nov. 2011 (Broad/speTri2) (speTri2, Broad Institute (GCA_000236235.1))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Squirrel monkey Oct. 2011 (Broad/saiBol1) (saiBol1, Broad SaiBol1.0 (GCA_000235385.1))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Stickleback Feb. 2006 (Broad/gasAcu1) (gasAcu1, Broad Institute gasAcu1 (1.0) (NCBI project 13579, AANH01000000))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Tarsier Sep. 2013 (Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1/tarSyr2) (tarSyr2, Washington University)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Tarsier Aug. 2008 (Broad/tarSyr1) (tarSyr1, Broad Institute tarSyr1 (NCBI project 20335, ABRT000000000))

Track Name
Ensembl v90 release

Tasmanian devil Feb. 2011 (WTSI Devil_ref v7.0/sarHar1) (sarHar1, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Devil_ref v7.0 (GCA_000189315.1))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Tenrec Nov. 2012 (Broad/echTel2) (echTel2, Broad/EchTel2.0)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Tenrec July 2005 (Broad/echTel1) (echTel1, Broad July 2005)

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Tetraodon Mar. 2007 (Genoscope 8.0/tetNig2) (tetNig2, Genoscope Tetraodon v8.0 (NCBI project 12350, CAAE01000000))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Tibetan frog Mar. 2015 (BGI_ZX_2015/nanPar1) (nanPar1, ASM93562v1)

Track Name
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
X. tropicalis (xenTro9) Chain and Net
Initial nanPar1 release (using ASM93562v1 BGI_ZX_2015 (NCBI project 243398, GCA_000935625.1): Assembly, AUGUSTUS, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Tibetan frog Chain/Net, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, X. tropicalis Chain and Net, supporting tables and files.

Tree shrew Dec. 2006 (Broad/tupBel1) (tupBel1, Broad Institute tupBel1 (NCBI project 13971, AAPY01000000))

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Turkey Nov. 2014 (Turkey_5.0/melGal5) (melGal5, Turkey Genome Consortium)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets
nitial melGal5 release (using Turkey Genome Consortium): AUGUSTUS, Assembly, Chicken Chain and Net, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genbank-process tracks and supporting tables, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Medium ground finch Chain and Net, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, Opossum Chain and Net, Peregrine falcon Chain and Net, Rat Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Turkey Chain/Net, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, X. tropicalis Chain and Net, Zebra finch Chain and Net, Zebrafish Chain and Net, supporting tables and files.

Turkey Dec. 2009 (TGC Turkey_2.01/melGal1) (melGal1, TGC (NCBI Project ID: 10805, Accession: GCA_000146605.1))

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Wallaby Sep. 2009 (TWGS Meug_1.1/macEug2) (macEug2, TWGS (NCBI Project ID: 12586, Accession: GCA_000004035.1))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

White rhinoceros May 2012 (CerSimSim1.0/cerSim1) (cerSim1, Broad Institute)

Track Name
TOGA gene annotations from the Hiller lab
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

X. tropicalis Nov. 2019 (UCB_Xtro_10.0/xenTro10) (xenTro10, University of California, Berkeley)

Track Name
AUGUSTUS, Assembly, CRISPR Targets, Chromosome Band (Ideogram), CpG Islands, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Rpts, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, RefSeq Acc, RefSeq Alignments, RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Other, RefSeq Predicted, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Unmasked CpG, WM + SDust, X. tropicalis Chain/Net

X. tropicalis Jul. 2016 (Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1/xenTro9) (xenTro9, DOE Joint Genome Institute)

Track Name
Ensembl genes version 104 May 2021
NCBI RefSeq updates
Ensembl genes version 101, August 2020
Ensembl release v99
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Initial xenTro9 release (using DOE Joint Genome Institute Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1 (GCA_000004195.3)): African clawed frog Chain and Net, AUGUSTUS Genes, Assembly, CpG Islands, Chicken Chain and Net, Dog Chain and Net, X. tropicalis ESTs, Other ESTs, Fugu Chain and Net, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Repeats, Lizard Chain and Net, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, X. tropicalis mRNAs, Other mRNAs, Opossum Chain and Net, Other RefSeq Genes, RefSeq Genes, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, Tibetan frog Chain and Net, WindowMasker + SDust

X. tropicalis Sep. 2012 (JGI 7.0/xenTro7) (xenTro7, US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF))

Track Name
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

X. tropicalis Nov. 2009 (JGI 4.2/xenTro3) (xenTro3, US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) (GCA_000004195.1))

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Zebra finch Feb. 2013 (WashU taeGut324/taeGut2) (taeGut2, Washington University School of Medicine)

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)

Zebra finch Jul. 2008 (WUGSC 3.2.4/taeGut1) (taeGut1, Washington University taeGut1)

Track Name
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
Ensembl v91 release

Zebrafish May 2017 (GRCz11/danRer11) (danRer11, Genome Reference Consortium Zebrafish Build 11 (GCA_000002035.4))

Track Name
NCBI Gene Orthologs for hg38, mm39, danRer11, canFam6, and bosTau9
EVA SNP Release 6
Crispr target tracks for danRer10 and danRer11
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI
Human ClinVar variants lift aligned to other animals
GRC Incident track
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
Ensembl Genes v95 Jan 2019
Ensembl v92 release
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
Initial danRer11 release (using Genome Reference Consortium GRCz11 (NCBI project 11776, GCA_000002035.4)): AUGUSTUS Genes, Assembly, Zebgrafish ESTs, Other ESTs, GC Percent, Gap, Genscan Genes, Human Chain and Net, INSDC, Interrupted Repeats, Microsatellite, Mouse Chain and Net, Zebrafish mRNAs, Other mRNAs, Other RefSeq Genes, RefSeq Genes, RepeatMasker, Simple Repeats, CpG Islands, WindowMasker + SDust

Zebrafish Sep. 2014 (GRCz10/danRer10) (danRer10, Genome Reference Consortium Zebrafish Build 10 (GCA_000002035.3))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
Crispr target tracks for danRer10 and danRer11
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
EVA SNP Release 3
RefSeq Diff
TransMap V5 release. Update of TransMap for 120 assemblies. This now uses the NCBI RefSeq RNA mappings instead of the UCSC ones.
NCBI RefSeq gene predictions
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names
Ensembl v91 release
Uniprot proteins
Ensembl v89 release
TransMap Alignments (Ensembl, RefSeq, GenBank RNAs, and GenBank ESTs)
Rat (rn6) Chain/Nets

Zebrafish Jul. 2010 (Zv9/danRer7) (danRer7, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Zv9 (GCA_000002035.2))

Track Name
EVA SNP Release 6
EVA SNP release 5
EVA SNP Release 4
Search support for chromosome aliases from Ensembl, GenBank, and RefSeq.
UCSC to RefSeq Chromosome names