ID:EVL_HUMAN DESCRIPTION: RecName: Full=Ena/VASP-like protein; AltName: Full=Ena/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein-like; FUNCTION: Ena/VASP proteins are actin-associated proteins involved in a range of processes dependent on cytoskeleton remodeling and cell polarity such as axon guidance and lamellipodial and filopodial dynamics in migrating cells. EVL enhances actin nucleation and polymerization. Required to transform actin polymerization into active movement for the propulsive force of Listeria monocytogenes (By similarity). SUBUNIT: Homotetramer (By similarity). Binds to the SH3 domains of ABL1, LYN and SRC. Also binds to profilin, with preference for isoform IIa of PFN2, and the WW domain of APBB1/FE65. Binds to SEMA6A. Interacts, via the Pro-rich region, with the C-terminal SH3 domain of DNMBP. Interacts with RAPH1. Binds, via the EVH1 domain, the Pro-rich domain of Listeria monocytogenes actA (By similarity). Binds, via the EVH1 domain, the Pro-rich domain of ZYX. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton (By similarity). Cell projection, lamellipodium (By similarity). Note=Targeted to the leading edge of lamellipodia and the dital tip of stress fibers through interaction with a number of proteins. In activated T-cells, localizes to the F-actin collar and the distal tip of microspikes (By similarity). DOMAIN: The EVH2 domain is comprised of 3 regions. Block A is a thymosin-like domain required for G-actin binding. The KLKR motif within this block is essential for the G-actin binding and for actin polymerization. Block B is required for F-actin binding and subcellular location, and Block C for tetramerization. PTM: Phosphorylated by PKA; phosphorylation abolishes binding to SH3 domains of ABL and SRC (By similarity). SIMILARITY: Belongs to the Ena/VASP family. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 WH1 domain.
The RNAfold program from the Vienna RNA Package is used to perform the secondary structure predictions and folding calculations. The estimated folding energy is in kcal/mol. The more negative the energy, the more secondary structure the RNA is likely to have.
ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on Q9UI08
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Orthologous Genes in Other Species
Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.