ID:IN80B_HUMAN DESCRIPTION: RecName: Full=INO80 complex subunit B; AltName: Full=High mobility group AT-hook 1-like 4; AltName: Full=IES2 homolog; Short=hIes2; AltName: Full=PAP-1-associated protein 1; Short=PAPA-1; AltName: Full=Zinc finger HIT domain-containing protein 4; FUNCTION: Induces growth and cell cycle arrests at the G1 phase of the cell cycle. FUNCTION: Proposed core component of the chromatin remodeling INO80 complex which is involved in transcriptional regulation, DNA replication and probably DNA repair. SUBUNIT: Component of the chromatin remodeling INO80 complex; specifically part of a complex module associated with the helicase ATP-binding and the helicase C-terminal domain of INO80. Interacts with RP9. INTERACTION: P18065:IGFBP2; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-715611, EBI-2504392; SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus. Nucleus, nucleolus. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 HIT-type zinc finger. SEQUENCE CAUTION: Sequence=BAB21111.1; Type=Erroneous initiation; Note=Translation N-terminally extended;
The RNAfold program from the Vienna RNA Package is used to perform the secondary structure predictions and folding calculations. The estimated folding energy is in kcal/mol. The more negative the energy, the more secondary structure the RNA is likely to have.
Pfam Domains: PF04438 - HIT zinc finger PF04795 - PAPA-1-like conserved region
ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on Q9C086
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Orthologous Genes in Other Species
Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.
Biological Process: GO:0006281 DNA repair GO:0006310 DNA recombination GO:0006338 chromatin remodeling GO:0006351 transcription, DNA-templated GO:0006355 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated GO:0006974 cellular response to DNA damage stimulus GO:0016579 protein deubiquitination