Human Gene PEAK1 (ENST00000682557.1_3) from GENCODE V47lift37
  Description: pseudopodium enriched atypical kinase 1, transcript variant 2 (from RefSeq NM_024776.5)
Gencode Transcript: ENST00000682557.1_3
Gencode Gene: ENSG00000173517.11_10
Transcript (Including UTRs)
   Position: hg19 chr15:77,400,500-77,712,446 Size: 311,947 Total Exon Count: 10 Strand: -
Coding Region
   Position: hg19 chr15:77,406,498-77,474,268 Size: 67,771 Coding Exon Count: 4 

Page IndexSequence and LinksUniProtKB CommentsPrimersMalaCardsCTD
Gene AllelesRNA StructureProtein StructureOther SpeciesGO AnnotationsmRNA Descriptions
Other NamesModel InformationMethods
Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-08-22 23:36:26

-  Sequence and Links to Tools and Databases
Genomic Sequence (chr15:77,400,500-77,712,446)mRNA (may differ from genome)Protein (1746 aa)
Gene SorterGenome BrowserOther Species FASTAVisiGeneGene interactionsTable Schema
AlphaFoldBioGPSEnsemblEntrez GeneExonPrimerGeneCards
MalacardsMGIOMIMPubMedUniProtKBBioGrid CRISPR DB

-  Comments and Description Text from UniProtKB
DESCRIPTION: RecName: Full=Pseudopodium-enriched atypical kinase 1; EC=; AltName: Full=Sugen kinase 269; AltName: Full=Tyrosine-protein kinase SgK269;
FUNCTION: Tyrosine kinase that may play a role in cell spreading and migration on fibronectin. May directly or indirectly affect phosphorylation levels of cytoskeleton-associated proteins MAPK1/ERK and PXN.
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: ATP + a [protein]-L-tyrosine = ADP + a [protein]-L-tyrosine phosphate.
SUBUNIT: Interacts with BCAR1 and CRK.
SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton. Cell junction, focal adhesion. Note=Colocalizes with F-actin in serum-rich medium. Actin colocalization is reduced during serum starvation.
PTM: Phosphorylated on tyrosine in a CSK-dependent manner in response to adhesion to fibronectin and to EGF stimulation. Autophosphorylated in vitro.
SIMILARITY: Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily.
SIMILARITY: Contains 1 protein kinase domain.
SEQUENCE CAUTION: Sequence=BAB15006.1; Type=Erroneous initiation; Sequence=BAC87076.1; Type=Erroneous initiation;

-  Primer design for this transcript

Primer3Plus can design qPCR Primers that straddle exon-exon-junctions, which amplify only cDNA, not genomic DNA.
Click here to load the transcript sequence and exon structure into Primer3Plus

Exonprimer can design one pair of Sanger sequencing primers around every exon, located in non-genic sequence.
Click here to open Exonprimer with this transcript

To design primers for a non-coding sequence, zoom to a region of interest and select from the drop-down menu: View > In External Tools > Primer3

-  MalaCards Disease Associations
  MalaCards Gene Search: PEAK1
Diseases sorted by gene-association score: gnathomiasis (1)

-  Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)
  The following chemicals interact with this gene

+  Common Gene Haplotype Alleles
  Press "+" in the title bar above to open this section.

-  mRNA Secondary Structure of 3' and 5' UTRs
RegionFold EnergyBasesEnergy/Base
Display As
5' UTR -203.50764-0.266 Picture PostScript Text
3' UTR -1748.605998-0.292 Picture PostScript Text

The RNAfold program from the Vienna RNA Package is used to perform the secondary structure predictions and folding calculations. The estimated folding energy is in kcal/mol. The more negative the energy, the more secondary structure the RNA is likely to have.

-  Protein Domain and Structure Information
  InterPro Domains: Graphical view of domain structure
IPR011009 - Kinase-like_dom
IPR000719 - Prot_kinase_cat_dom
IPR008266 - Tyr_kinase_AS

Pfam Domains:
PF00069 - Protein kinase domain
PF07714 - Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase

SCOP Domains:
56112 - Protein kinase-like (PK-like)

ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on Q9H792
The pictures above may be empty if there is no ModBase structure for the protein. The ModBase structure frequently covers just a fragment of the protein. You may be asked to log onto ModBase the first time you click on the pictures. It is simplest after logging in to just click on the picture again to get to the specific info on that model.

-  Orthologous Genes in Other Species
  Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.
MouseRatZebrafishD. melanogasterC. elegansS. cerevisiae
No orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo ortholog
Gene DetailsGene Details    
Gene SorterGene Sorter    

-  Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations with Structured Vocabulary
  Molecular Function:
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding
GO:0004672 protein kinase activity
GO:0004713 protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0004715 non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0005515 protein binding
GO:0005524 ATP binding
GO:0016301 kinase activity
GO:0016740 transferase activity
GO:0042802 identical protein binding

Biological Process:
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation
GO:0016310 phosphorylation
GO:0016477 cell migration
GO:0018108 peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
GO:0034446 substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading
GO:0046777 protein autophosphorylation
GO:0051893 regulation of focal adhesion assembly

Cellular Component:
GO:0005737 cytoplasm
GO:0005856 cytoskeleton
GO:0005925 focal adhesion
GO:0015629 actin cytoskeleton
GO:0030054 cell junction

-  Descriptions from all associated GenBank mRNAs
  AB082533 - Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA2002 protein.
AK127658 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ45756 fis, clone MESAN2009156.
BC172320 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone IMAGE:100069014, MGC:199025 NKF3 kinase family member (SGK269) mRNA, encodes complete protein.
AK074157 - Homo sapiens mRNA for FLJ00230 protein.
AK025943 - Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ22290 fis, clone HRC04405.
AK124548 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ42557 fis, clone BRACE3005938.
DQ580876 - Homo sapiens piRNA piR-48988, complete sequence.
AF088077 - Homo sapiens full length insert cDNA clone ZE01E01.
DQ574603 - Homo sapiens piRNA piR-42715, complete sequence.
JD047414 - Sequence 28438 from Patent EP1572962.
JD085601 - Sequence 66625 from Patent EP1572962.
JD304884 - Sequence 285908 from Patent EP1572962.
JD518383 - Sequence 499407 from Patent EP1572962.
JD321011 - Sequence 302035 from Patent EP1572962.
JD041253 - Sequence 22277 from Patent EP1572962.
JD169225 - Sequence 150249 from Patent EP1572962.
JD203316 - Sequence 184340 from Patent EP1572962.
JD539172 - Sequence 520196 from Patent EP1572962.
JD424707 - Sequence 405731 from Patent EP1572962.
JD118301 - Sequence 99325 from Patent EP1572962.
JD465715 - Sequence 446739 from Patent EP1572962.
JD388127 - Sequence 369151 from Patent EP1572962.
JD388126 - Sequence 369150 from Patent EP1572962.
JD169224 - Sequence 150248 from Patent EP1572962.
AK024793 - Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ21140 fis, clone CAS07548.
AF086416 - Homo sapiens full length insert cDNA clone ZD77H10.
JD513059 - Sequence 494083 from Patent EP1572962.
JD496779 - Sequence 477803 from Patent EP1572962.
JD248602 - Sequence 229626 from Patent EP1572962.
AK091802 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ34483 fis, clone HLUNG2004154.
AX747193 - Sequence 718 from Patent EP1308459.
JD103601 - Sequence 84625 from Patent EP1572962.
JD487216 - Sequence 468240 from Patent EP1572962.
JD056560 - Sequence 37584 from Patent EP1572962.
JD293412 - Sequence 274436 from Patent EP1572962.
JD321294 - Sequence 302318 from Patent EP1572962.
JD161642 - Sequence 142666 from Patent EP1572962.
JD140643 - Sequence 121667 from Patent EP1572962.
JD153310 - Sequence 134334 from Patent EP1572962.
JD153311 - Sequence 134335 from Patent EP1572962.
JD198485 - Sequence 179509 from Patent EP1572962.

-  Other Names for This Gene
  Alternate Gene Symbols: KIAA2002, NM_024776, PEAK1_HUMAN, Q6ZS78, Q8NAZ4, Q8NCM3, Q8TEG7, Q9H792, uc330kcd.1, uc330kcd.2
UCSC ID: ENST00000682557.1_3
RefSeq Accession: NM_001385026.1
Protein: Q9H792 (aka PEAK1_HUMAN)

-  Gene Model Information
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-  Methods, Credits, and Use Restrictions
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