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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Campbell et al., Am J Physiol 1992 : In conclusion, insulin regulates FFA R ( a ) by inhibition of lipolysis while maintaining a constant rate of primary FFA reesterification
Steneberg et al., Cell Metab 2005 (Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2...) : We show here that GPR40 mediates both acute and chronic effects of FFAs on insulin secretion and that GPR40 signaling is linked to impaired glucose homeostasis
Shapiro et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005 (Ion Channel Gating) : Role of GPR40 in fatty acid action on the beta cell line INS-1E ... Taken together, the data indicate that GPR40 mediates the increase in [ Ca2+ ] i and insulin secretion through the Galphaq-PLC pathway, resulting in release of Ca2+ from the ER and leading to up-regulation of Ca2+ influx via LTCC
Itoh et al., Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology 2005 : GPR40 , a free fatty acid receptor on pancreatic beta cells, regulates insulin secretion ... Our results indicate that GPR40 is a cell-surface receptor for FFAs and regulates insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells
Briscoe et al., Br J Pharmacol 2006 : These molecules were used to further investigate the role of GPR40 in glucose stimulated insulin secretion in the MIN6 mouse pancreatic beta-cell line
Latour et al., Diabetes 2007 : GPR40 is necessary but not sufficient for fatty acid stimulation of insulin secretion in vivo
Song et al., J Med Chem 2007 : Our data supports the hypothesis that GPR40 may play an important role in fatty acid mediated glucose dependent insulin secretion
Tan et al., Diabetes 2008 (Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) : Acute activation of G protein coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) by free fatty acids ( FFAs ) or synthetic GPR40 agonists enhances insulin secretion
Meidute Abaraviciene et al., PloS one 2008 : Downregulation of GPR40 by antisense treatment abrogated GPR40 expression and suppressed palmitate induced iNOS activity and insulin release
Kebede et al., Diabetes 2008 (Glucose Intolerance...) : The fatty acid receptor GPR40 plays a role in insulin secretion in vivo after high-fat feeding ... This study aimed to test the hypothesis that GPR40 plays a role in insulin secretion after high-fat feeding ... GPR40 plays a role not only in fatty acid modulation of insulin secretion, but also in GSIS after high-fat feeding
Lan et al., Diabetes 2008 (Body Weight...) : A more recent report suggested that although FFAR1 was necessary for fatty acid induced insulin secretion in vivo, deletion of FFAR1 did not protect pancreatic islets against fatty acid induced islet dysfunction ... Insulin secretion was reduced by approximately 50 % in Ffar1 ( -/- ) mice, confirming that FFAR1 contributes significantly to fatty acid stimulation of insulin secretion in vivo ... FFAR1 is required for normal insulin secretion in response to fatty acids ; however, Ffar1 ( -/- ) mice are not protected from high-fat diet induced insulin resistance or hepatic steatosis
Hirasawa et al., Biol Pharm Bull 2008 : GPR40 , which is preferentially expressed in pancreatic beta-cells, mediates insulin secretion
Doshi et al., Metabolism 2009 (Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2) : Recently, several in vitro studies have shown that GPR40 receptor activation by free fatty acids ( FFAs ) results in glucose dependent insulin secretion ... However, whether GPR40 receptor activation results in glucose dependent insulin secretion in vivo in rats is not known
Nagasumi et al., Diabetes 2009 (Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental) : Overexpression of GPR40 in pancreatic beta-cells augments glucose stimulated insulin secretion and improves glucose tolerance in normal and diabetic mice ... We generated transgenic mice overexpressing the hGPR40 gene under control of the mouse insulin II promoter and used them to examine the role of GPR40 in the regulation of insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis
Alquier et al., Diabetes 2009 : This study was aimed to ascertain whether GPR40 controls insulin secretion in vivo and modulates intracellular fuel metabolism in islets
Yang et al., Mol Cell Endocrinol 2010 : Sulfonylureas uncouple glucose-dependence for GPR40 mediated enhancement of insulin secretion from INS-1E cells ... We determined whether sulfonylureas could replace glucose for GPR40 mediated enhancement of insulin secretion and investigated underlying mechanisms using INS-1E cells ... Thus, sulfonylureas could replace glucose to support GPR40 mediated enhancement of insulin secretion, whereas blockage of LTCC reduced both glucose and sulfonylurea mediated insulin secretion
Pang et al., Mol Cell Endocrinol 2010 (Body Weight) : GPR40 is partially required for insulin secretion following activation of beta3-adrenergic receptors ... The free fatty acid ( FFA ) receptor GPR40 , expressed by pancreatic beta-cells, may be responsible for insulin release following beta(3) adrenoceptor ( Adrb3 ) activation ... Our data indicate that insulin secretion, a secondary event following stimulation of Adrb3 receptors, is partially mediated by GPR40 and suggest that GPR40 is integral to the anti-diabetes effects of Adrb3 agonists
Christiansen et al., J Med Chem 2011 (Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2) : The free fatty acid receptor 1 ( FFA1, also known as GPR40 ) enhances glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic ß-cells and is recognized as an interesting new target for treatment of type 2 diabetes
Araki et al., Diabetes Obes Metab 2012 (Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2) : GPR40 induced insulin secretion by the novel agonist TAK-875 : first clinical findings in patients with type 2 diabetes
Zhou et al., Chin Med Sci J 2012 : LA-stimulated increase in [ Ca2+ ] i and insulin secretion were blocked by inhibition of GPR40/FFA1 expression in beta-cells after GPR40/FFA1-specific antisense treatment
Christiansen et al., J Med Chem 2013 : The free fatty acid receptor 1 ( FFA1, also known as GPR40 ) mediates enhancement of glucose stimulated insulin secretion and is emerging as a new target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
Matsuda-Nagasumi et al., Diabetes Obes Metab 2013 (Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) : G protein coupled receptor/free fatty acid receptor 1 ( GPR40/FFAR1 ) regulates free fatty acid induced insulin secretion
Wagner et al., Diabetes 2013 : We reevaluated the role of FFAR1 in insulin secretion using a specific agonist, FFAR1-knockout mice and human islets
Sun et al., PloS one 2013 (Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2) : G protein coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) mediates both acute and chronic effects of free fatty acids ( FFAs ) on insulin secretion