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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Oldenborg et al., Inflamm Res 1999
(Diabetes Mellitus) :
These results suggest that elevated levels of
insulin do not
affect the
NADPH-oxidase activity but, together with superoxide anions, interfere with myeloperoxidase availability and a subsequent myeloperoxidase dependent generation of reactive oxygen metabolites in fMet-Leu-Phe stimulated normal human neutrophils
Piatti et al., Circulation 2003
(Angina Pectoris...) :
After insulin bolus, during saline,
insulin induced
NOx , endothelin-1, and forearm cGMP release was almost abolished ... ADMA levels were positively correlated with basal endothelin-1 levels and negatively correlated with
insulin induced incremental levels of
NOx and forearm cGMP release
Hsieh et al., Am J Hypertens 2004
(Hyperinsulinism...) :
Insulin infusion significantly
increased MAP and
NOx ( sum of nitrate and nitrite ) levels after 90 min and thereafter the elevated MAP and NOx responses were sustained throughout the study
Kobayashi et al., Hypertension 2004
(Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) :
Although in our model the ACh induced relaxation and NOx- ( NO2-+NO3- ) /cGMP production were unchanged, the clonidine induced and
insulin induced relaxations and
NOx-/cGMP production were all greatly attenuated
Yang et al., Am J Hypertens 2005
Insulin stimulated
NAD ( P ) H oxidase activity increases migration of cultured vascular smooth muscle cells
Fortuño et al., Diabetes 2006
(Atherosclerosis...) :
Insulin stimulated
NADPH oxidase activity ; this effect was abolished by a specific protein kinase C inhibitor
Yang et al., Am J Hypertens 2006
The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism of
insulin stimulated
NAD ( P ) H oxidase activity ... Neither wortmannin nor pertussis toxin, which inhibit
insulin stimulated
NAD ( P ) H oxidase activity in other cell types, affected insulin or insulin plus Ang II-stimulated O ( 2 ) ( - ) production ...
Insulin stimulates
NAD ( P ) H oxidase activity and with Ang II synergistically stimulates it in cultured rat VSMC by increasing the NADH/NAD ( + ) redox potential, but not by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase or heterotrimeric G ( iota ) protein dependent pathways
Wei et al., J Biol Chem 2006
Angiotensin II-induced
NADPH oxidase activation
impairs insulin signaling in skeletal muscle cells
Yang et al., Atherosclerosis 2008
It is concluded that insulin in the presence of NO stimulates cGMP which stimulates PP-2A activity causing inhibition of autonomous CaM kinase II activity and thus VSMC migration, and that insulin in the presence of Ang II inhibits PP-2A and stimulates autonomous CaM kinase II activities by a NAD ( P ) H oxidase dependent mechanism which are associated with
insulin stimulated
NAD ( P ) H oxidase dependent migration
Bourgoin et al., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2008
(Body Weight...) :
Furthermore, the HFHS diet induced a reduced
insulin stimulated glucose transport activity in muscles and increased levels of
NAD ( P ) H oxidase protein and nitrotyrosine formation in vascular tissues
San José et al., Free Radic Biol Med 2009
Insulin induced
NADPH oxidase activation promotes proliferation and matrix metalloproteinase activation in monocytes/macrophages ...
Insulin mediated
NADPH oxidase activation stimulated MMP-9 activation in monocytes and cell proliferation in macrophages
Fortuño et al., Hypertension 2009
(Hypertension) :
EXP3179, but not losartan and EXP3174, dose-dependently inhibited ( P < 0.05 ) phorbol myristate acetate and
insulin stimulated
NADPH oxidase activity
Crutzen et al., Pflugers Arch 2012
NOX inhibitors such as DPI and plumbagin nearly totally
inhibited insulin release provoked by exposure of the BRIN-BD11 cells to a hypotonic medium
Rebelato et al., Life Sci 2012
Inhibition of
NADPH oxidase activity impaired glucose metabolism and glucose
stimulated insulin secretion