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Emoto et al., J Biol Chem 2000
Insulin stimulated
PLD activity in cells expressing high levels of insulin receptors but no such insulin effect was detected in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
Slaaby et al., Biochem J 2000
Insulin induced
phospholipase D1 and phospholipase D2 activity in human embryonic kidney-293 cells mediated by the phospholipase C gamma and protein kinase C alpha signalling cascade
Bowen et al., Metabolism 2001
(Insulinoma...) :
Glucose and
insulin regulate glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific
phospholipase D expression in islet beta cells
Schofield et al., Mol Genet Metab 2002
(Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) :
Insulin reduces serum glycosylphosphatidylinositol
phospholipase D levels in human type I diabetic patients and streptozotocin diabetic rats
Li et al., BMC cell biology 2003
Here we tested the hypothesis that ARF-guanine nucleotide exchange factors ( ARF-GEFs ) of the cytohesin/ARNO family mediate the
activation of ARF and
PLD by
insulin ... Overexpression of wild type ARNO significantly increased
insulin stimulated
PLD activity, and mutations in the Sec7 and PH domains, or deletion of the PH or CC domains inhibited the effects of insulin
Salvador et al., J Neurosci Res 2005
In adult animals, in the presence of the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor ( sodium o-vanadate ),
insulin stimulated
PLD activity at 5 min incubation
Andersson et al., Mol Cell Endocrinol 2005
In iNOS-/- islets, IL-1beta at high glucose induced a delayed and prolonged stimulation of
insulin secretion, and this was
followed by an increase in
phospholipase D mRNA expression
McHarg et al., Endothelium : journal of endothelial cell research 2008
This study compares
activation of the key enzyme
phospholipase D ( PLD ) by the vasoconstrictors angiotensin II ( AII ) and lysophosphatidylcholine ( lysoPC ), and the vasodilator
insulin , in primary human microvascular endothelial cells ( HMVECs ) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( HUVECs ) ...
Insulin significantly
increased PLD activity in both cell types with maximum activation at 1 nmol/L ... Again differential sensitivity was observed ; 10 nmol/L
insulin significantly
stimulated PLD in HUVECs but not HMVECs
Ma et al., Exp Mol Med 2010
Role of
phospholipase D1 in glucose induced
insulin secretion in pancreatic Beta cells ... As glucose is known to induce insulin secretion in pancreatic Beta cells, this study investigated the
role of a
phospholipase D ( PLD ) -related signaling pathway in
insulin secretion caused by high glucose in the pancreatic Beta-cell line MIN6N8
Metz et al., Biochem J 1990
Stimulation of
insulin release by
phospholipase D ... Chromatographically purified
PLD from Streptomyces chromofuscus stimulated the accumulation of PA in [ 14C ] arachidonate- or [ 14C ] myristate prelabelled islets, and also
promoted insulin secretion over an identical concentration range ...
PLD induced
insulin release did not appear to require influx of extracellular Ca2+, nor could the activation of protein kinase C clearly be implicated
Kiechle et al., Ann Clin Lab Sci 1995
These results suggest that adenosine receptor occupancy inhibits phospholipid methylation, is
required for
insulin stimulation of phospholipid methylation, and may perhaps activate a phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C or
phospholipase D
Gómez-Muñoz et al., J Biol Chem 1995
C2- and C6-ceramides blocked the activation of
phospholipase D by sphingosine 1-phosphate, and this inhibition was not
affected by
Li et al., Microvasc Res 1995
Insulin potentiated both
PLD- and PDGF induced DNA synthesis
Rydzewska et al., Pancreas 1995
Activation of pancreatic acinar cell
phospholipase D by epidermal,
insulin-like , and basic fibroblast growth factors involves tyrosine kinase
Donchenko et al., Biochim Biophys Acta 1994
Insulin initially
stimulated phosphatidylcholine dependent
phospholipase D ( PC-PLD ) with a significant increase in both PA and intracellular as well as extracellular choline ... Experiments performed in the presence of 1 microM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate ( PMA ) indicated that protein kinase C ( PKC ) mediated the
insulin effect on PC-PLC, but not on
Knoepp et al., J Biol Chem 1996
Insulin did not
enhance activation of
phospholipase D in response to phorbol ester
Standaert et al., Biochem J 1996
(Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2) :
Insulin rapidly
activated a
phospholipase D that hydrolyses phosphatidylcholine ( PC ), and this activation was accompanied by increases in diacylglycerol and translocative activation of PKC-alpha and PKC-beta in the plasma membrane
Standaert et al., Endocrinology 1996
Our findings provide the first evidence that
insulin stimulates Rho translocation and
activates PC-PLD in L6 skeletal muscle cells
Karnam et al., J Biol Chem 1997
C3 transferase, which inhibits and depletes Rho, inhibited
PC-PLD activation by
insulin in intact adipocytes
Shome et al., Curr Biol 1997
ARF proteins mediate
insulin dependent
activation of
phospholipase D ... We have tested the hypothesis that ARF proteins are involved specifically in insulin induced activation of PLD ... Insulin activated PLD in permeabilized HIRcB cells by a process that required GTPgammaS and ARF ... The activation of ARF proteins is stimulated by insulin and this process plays an important role in insulin mediated regulation of PLD