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Jiang et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001
In addition, chelation of intracellular calcium reduced
glucagon mediated
ERK1/2 activation ... In transient transfection experiments, glucagon receptor mutants that bound glucagon but failed to increase intracellular cAMP and calcium concentrations showed no
glucagon stimulated
ERK1/2 phosphorylation ... We conclude that
glucagon induced MEK1/2 and
ERK1/2 activation is mediated by PKA and that an increase in intracellular calcium concentration is required for maximal ERK activation
Dalle et al., J Biol Chem 2004
Chelation of intracellular calcium ( intracellular [ Ca ( 2+ ) ] ) reduced
glucagon mediated
ERK1/2 activation ... We conclude that
glucagon induced
ERK1/2 activation is mediated by PKA and that an increase in [ Ca ( 2+ ) ] ( i ) is required for maximal ERK activation