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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Yan et al., Inflammation 1999
In in vitro kinase assays,
PP1 profoundly
inhibited the activation of p53/56lyn but not p59hck or
Falati et al., Blood 1999
The Src family-specific inhibitor
PP1 dose-dependently
inhibits phosphorylation of
Syk , its association with tyrosine phosphorylated gamma-chain, phosphorylation of PLCgamma2, platelet aggregation, and 5-HT release
Majeed et al., J Leukoc Biol 2001
At doses blocking IgG dependent phagocytosis, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors
PP1 and piceatannol
inhibited both Src family kinase and
Syk activities, as well as their redistribution to actin-rich phagocytic cups