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Wang et al., Lasers Surg Med 2005
(Adenocarcinoma...) :
In order to determine the
effects of high fluence
LPLI on cell growth and
caspase-3 activity, we have measured the dynamics of caspase-3 activity during cell apoptosis induced by high fluence LPLI treatment
Wu et al., J Biomed Opt 2007
Our results also show that the high-fluence
LPLI does not
activate caspase-8 , indicating that the induced apoptosis was initiated directly from mitochondrial ROS generation and DeltaPsim decrease, independent of the caspase-8 activation
Zhang et al., J Cell Physiol 2010
(Adenocarcinoma...) :
LPLI could
inhibit the activation of GSK-3beta, Bax, and
caspase-3 induced by STS