Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Keffel et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999 (Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute) : NPY did not activate other MAPK such as jun N-terminal kinase or p38 MAPK ... We conclude that NPY does not activate phospholipase D, PKC, jun N-terminal kinase, or p38 MAPK in HEL cells
Pellieux et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000 : Therefore, the role of NPY in inducing MAPK activation was studied in mouse neonatal cardiomyocytes
Kitamura et al., Biochem J 2001 : Similar effects of the inhibitors and PTX were found on the MAPK phosphorylation induced by neuropeptide Y
Cho et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004 : PD98059 ( MAPK kinase inhibitor ) and BIM-1 ( protein kinase C inhibitor ) inhibited activation of ERK1/2 by NPY , but wortmannin ( phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor ) did not
Nie et al., Regul Pept 1998 : To assess whether NPY receptors also stimulate second messengers which may precede mitogenic effects, we measured the mitogen activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) activity in NPY receptor expressing cell lines in response to NPY ... NPY stimulated dose dependent increases in MAPK activity in both NPY Y1 and Y2 receptor expressing cell lines ... The NPY stimulated MAPK activity was sensitive to pretreatment with pertussis toxin, the MAPK specific inhibitor PD098059 or wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI-3-K)
Zukowska-Grojec et al., Regul Pept 1998 : In primary cultures of rat coronary endothelial cells ( where NPY is also mitogenic ), NPY stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) activity
Goldberg et al., Am J Physiol 1998 (Cardiomegaly) : NPY also activated protein kinase C ( PKC ) and mitogen activated protein ( MAP ) kinase