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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Hsu et al., J Biol Chem 1999
Stress stimulation of T cells by anisomycin also induced
FasL expression in a p38
MAPK dependent manner ... The induction of
FasL expression in nonlymphoid cells such as 293T also
required activation of p38
MAPK ... Our results suggest that p38
essential for
FasL expression
Zhang et al., J Exp Med 2000
Thus, p38
MAPK and downstream JNK converge to
regulate FasL expression at different times after T cell receptor stimulation to elicit maximum AICD
Yang et al., J Gastrointest Surg 2004
(Liver Diseases) :
FasL induces hepatocyte injury and death and
upregulates p38-MAPK and caspase-3 within hepatocytes
Muthumani et al., Blood 2005
HIV-1 Nef induced
FasL induction and bystander killing
requires p38
MAPK activation
Farley et al., Mol Cell Biol 2006
Here we show that binding of
Fas ligand to Fas
activates p38
MAPK in CD8+ T cells and that activation of this pathway is required for Fas mediated CD8+ T-cell death
Guilloton et al., Cell Signal 2007
(Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute) :
The effects of TNFalpha and
FasL on GrB expression were specifically
mediated by
p38MAPK ( Mitogen-activated-protein-kinase ) activation
Chen et al., J Cell Biochem 2009
(Calcium Signaling...) :
Unlike PLA(2), catalytically inactive PLA(2) treatment did not markedly increase Fas and FasL protein expression, and p38
MAPK activation was exclusively
responsible for catalytically inactive PLA(2) induced increase in Fas and
FasL protein expression
Duan et al., Dig Dis Sci 2010
(Bile Duct Neoplasms...) :
effects of
MAPK-ERK cascade inhibitor and c-Myc inhibition by siRNA on 67-kDa laminin receptor induced
FasL expression were determined