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Protein-Protein interactions - manually collected from original source literature:
Studies that report less than 10 interactions are marked with *
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Deng et al., Circ Res 2009
(Disease Models, Animal...) :
However, the architecture of the evolving inflammation is ligand-specific
; TLR4 ligands
cause transmural panarteritis and
TLR5 ligands promote adventitial perivasculitis
Bayas et al., Clin Exp Immunol 2009
(Bacterial Infections...) :
In peripheral blood mononuclear cells,
TLR-9 stimulation with type A CpG ODN
resulted in a higher expression of
TLR-1 , -2, -4, -5 and -8 in MS patients ( n = 7 ) compared with healthy controls ( n = 11 )
Goethals et al., Glia 2010
(Wallerian Degeneration) :
Upon axotomy,
TLR1 becomes strongly
induced , while most other
TLR expression levels remain unaffected
Yang et al., Bing Du Xue Bao 2011
(Marek Disease...) :
By comparing the TLRs transcription between YL040920 and CVI988/Rispens infected microglia, it was suggested that vvMDV YL040920 might
induce more
TLR15 transcript than the attenuated vaccine strain CVI988/Rispens ( P < or = 0.01/0.001 ), while CVI988/Rispens induced more
TLR1LB transcript than YL040920 ( P < or = 0.001 )
Charavaryamath et al., Gut microbes 2011
Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 expression was decreased but
TLR-5 and -6 expression
increased in ileal segments
Deng et al., Immunol Cell Biol 2013
TLR signals that regulate the phagocytic ability of macrophages were also
induced by TLR4 and
TLR5 activation