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Tang et al., J Physiol 2002
Paxillin antisense selectively depressed paxillin expression, but it did not
affect the expression of vinculin, focal adhesion kinase, myosin light chain kinase, myosin heavy chain or
myosin light chain ... The depletion of
paxillin did not
inhibit the increase in intracellular free Ca2+,
myosin light chain phosphorylation or myosin ATPase activity in response to contractile stimulation
Tang et al., J Physiol 2003
Expression of the
paxillin mutants F31, F118 or F31/118 inhibited the contractile response to ACh stimulation but did not
inhibit the increase in
myosin light chain phosphorylation
Birukova et al., Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2009
SiRNA based
paxillin knockdown
attenuated VEGF induced EC permeability,
myosin light chain phosphorylation, and stress fiber and paracellular gap formation
Schneider et al., Mol Biol Cell 2009
Inhibition of
myosin-II blocked both the EGF stimulated
paxillin phosphorylation and cell retraction, and a paxillin phosphomimic blocked retraction