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Park et al., J Immunol 2001
In addition to depending on IFN-gamma, the ability of IL-12 or
IL-2/IL-12 to
induce Mig and Crg-2 gene expression in purified hepatocytes also is accompanied by the coordinate up-regulation of the IFN-gamma R alpha and beta-chains, in the absence of IL-12R components
Kishida et al., Clin Dev Immunol 2012
(Hepatitis C, Chronic) :
IL-15 was increased at the end of induction therapy in both early virologic responders ( EAVRs ) and late virologic responders ( LAVRs ) ; CXCL-8,
CXCL-10 , and CCL-4 levels were significantly decreased ( P < 0.05 ) in EAVR but not in LAVR during NCT, and
IL-12 increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) and CXCL-8 decreased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) after the end of NCT in EAVR but not in LAVR