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Vidyarani et al., Cytokine 2007
(Tuberculosis, Pulmonary) :
1, 25 Dihydroxyvitamin D ( 3 ) significantly suppressed
IL-12p40 and IFN-gamma production in
response to
CFA and live M. tuberculosis with a maximum suppression at 10 ( -7 ) M concentration ( p < 0.0001 )
Selvaraj et al., J Clin Immunol 2008
(Genetic Predisposition to Disease...) :
We studied the influence of VDR promoter ( Cdx-2 and A1012G ), 3 ' untranslated region ( Apa I, Bsm I, and Taq I ) and start codon ( Fok I ) polymorphisms on 1,25 ( OH ) ( 2 ) D ( 3 ) -modulated
IL-12p40 , IFN-gamma, IL-10, and IL-5
response to live Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its
culture filtrate antigen (CFA) in 60 normal healthy subjects and 51 pulmonary tuberculosis patients