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Le Clorennec et al., J Virol 2008
LMP1 induced
Fas overexpression with its relocalization in lipid raft microdomains of the membrane ... Therefore, our results are in agreement with a model where
LMP1 dependent NF-kappaB activation
induces Fas overexpression and autoactivation that could overwhelm the antiapoptotic effect of NF-kappaB, revealing an ambivalent function of LMP1 in cell survival and programmed cell death
Zhang et al., Chin J Cancer 2009
(Disease Susceptibility...) :
As a nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) dependent molecule,
Fas is
induced by
LMP1 , and LMP1 enhances Fas mediated apoptosis, according to our finding of stimulus dependent apoptosis regulation by LMP1