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Shpakov et al., Biochemistry (Mosc) 2002
We suggest that the stimulating
effect of
insulin on
adenylate cyclase involves the following stages of hormonal signal transduction cascade : receptor tyrosine kinase -- > Gi protein ( betagamma ) -- > phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase -- > protein kinase C (zeta?) -- > Gs protein -- > adenylate cyclase -- > cAMP
Picinato et al., J Pineal Res 2002
Melatonin also
inhibited forskolin induced
insulin secretion, a well known activator of
adenylate cyclase ( AC ) activity
Salehi et al., Regul Pept 2007
Four to six weeks later the pancreatic islets were isolated and analysed for cAMP or alternatively incubated in a Krebs-Ringer based medium in an effort to study
insulin secretion and cAMP accumulation in
response to glucose or the
adenylate cyclase activator forskolin
Blazquez et al., Endocrinology 1976
Development of
insulin and glucagon binding and the
adenylate cyclase response in liver membranes of the prenatal, postnatal, and adult rat : evidence of glucagon `` resistance ''
Kahn et al., J Biol Chem 1990
Stimulation of prostaglandin E1 binding to human blood platelet membrane by
insulin and the
activation of
adenylate cyclase
Larner et al., Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol 1990
(Second Messenger Systems) :
A cAMP dependent protein kinase inhibitory mediator, which also inhibits adenylate cyclase is an important element in the
regulation of kinase and
adenylate cyclase activity by
Green et al., Horm Res 1979
When islets were cultured in medium containing low glucose ( 5.5 mM ), the higher
adenylate cyclase activity and
insulin secretory
responses characteristic of islets from pregnant rats were maintained during the test period of 29 h. Islets from normal and pregnant rats were also cultured for 20 h in medium containing a very high glucose concentration ( 83.3 mM ) in order to load the B cells with glycogen
Sadler et al., J Biol Chem 1987
In contrast,
insulin-like growth factor 1
stimulated in vivo phosphodiesterase, inhibited in vitro
adenylate cyclase , and induced oocyte maturation at concentrations of 0.3-1.0 nM ... These results demonstrate a dual
regulation of oocyte phosphodiesterase and
adenylate cyclase by
insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1
Bertrand et al., Biochem J 1989
It is concluded that inhibition of
adenylate cyclase , rather than direct changes in membrane K+ and Ca2+ permeabilities,
underlies the inhibition of
insulin release induced by activation of A1-receptors
Nesher et al., Diabetologia 1989
( 3 ) The early
insulin response may be
potentiated by direct activation of
adenylate cyclase
Pyne et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1989
The ability of p [ NH ] ppG to inhibit forskolin stimulated
adenylate cyclase activity was attenuated in the
presence of
Lönnqvist et al., International journal of obesity 1989
induced by
insulin by
adenylate cyclase inhibitors was compared in isolated human fat cells when lipolysis was activated at well defined steps in the cyclic AMP system
Bizec et al., Ophthalmic Res 1989
Insulin was found to
inhibit adenylate cyclase activity
Hermansen et al., Endocrinology 1985
Forskolin, an activator of
adenylate cyclase ,
stimulates pancreatic
insulin , glucagon, and somatostatin release in the dog : studies in vitro
Mourmeaux et al., Endocrinology 1989
In conclusion, acute stimulation of
adenylate cyclase or protein kinase-C markedly
increased insulin release from fetal islets without causing an adult-like biphasic pattern of secretion
Gabbay et al., FEBS Lett 1985
The antilipolytic effect of
insulin does not
require adenylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase action
Kather et al., J Clin Invest 1985
The findings support the view that the antilipolytic effect of
insulin does not
require adenylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase action
Heyworth et al., Biochem J 1986
Treatment of hepatocytes with islet activating protein ( pertussis toxin ) from Bordetella pertussis blocked the ability of
insulin to
inhibit adenylate cyclase activity both in broken plasma membranes and in intact hepatocytes
Jones et al., FEBS Lett 1987
These results suggest that catecholamines do not
inhibit insulin secretion solely by reducing B-cell
adenylate cyclase activity, and imply that one site of action of noradrenaline is at a late stage in the secretory process
Weber et al., J Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphor Res 1986
The intact rat adipocyte was used to investigate the possibility of common intermediates in the
insulin stimulation of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase and the beta-adrenergic/adenosine
regulation of
adenylate cyclase
Mooney et al., Endocrinology 1986
Insulin had no effect on
adenylate cyclase activity stimulated by either agent and assayed under essentially identical conditions ... Additionally, the antilipolytic effect of
insulin was preserved in the permeabilized adipocytes, but this effect did not
involve inhibition of
adenylate cyclase
Gawler et al., Biochem J 1988
(Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental) :
Treatment of streptozotocin-diabetic rats with metformin restores the ability of
insulin to
inhibit adenylate cyclase activity and demonstrates that insulin does not exert this action through the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein Gi ...
Insulin caused the inhibition of glucagon stimulated
adenylate cyclase activity in liver plasma membranes, but failed to inhibit this activity in liver membranes from rats made diabetic by treatment with either alloxan or streptozotocin ... We conclude that : ( i )
insulin does not
inhibit adenylate cyclase activity through the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein Gi ; ( ii ) streptozotocin- and alloxan induced diabetes elicit a selective insulin-resistant state; and (iii) metformin can exert a post-receptor effect, at the level of the liver plasma membrane, which restores the ability of insulin to inhibit adenylate cyclase
Abou-Sabe' et al., Biochim Biophys Acta 1978
In vitro, the
effect of
insulin on the
adenylate cyclase and the phosphotransferase activities was determined using toluenized cell preparations of E. coli B/r, E. coli K12 and phosphotransferase mutant strains
Londos et al., J Biol Chem 1985
III. Multiple modes of
insulin regulation of lipolysis and
regulation of insulin responses by
adenylate cyclase regulators
Bégin-Heick et al., Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1979
In addition, the stimulatory
effect of
insulin on glucose incorporation into glycogen and its inhibitory action on
adenylate cyclase activity were both blunted in the CA tissues
Kiss et al., Eur J Biochem 1979
1. The inhibitory effect of adenosine on the glucagon stimulated
adenylate cyclase activity of liver plasma membranes, prepared from PVG/c rats, was
potentiated by
Gabbay et al., J Biol Chem 1984
This demonstrates that insulin can antagonize cAMP stimulation of glycogenolysis independent of possible
effects of
insulin on
adenylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase
Pohl et al., International journal of obesity 1981
( 3 )
Insulin stimulates cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase and
inhibits adenylate cyclase in adipocytes
Honda et al., Nihon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1982
effect of
insulin on
adenylate cyclase of rat fat cells in the presence of theophylline ] ... Under these conditions, small but significant
enhancement of
adenylate cyclase activity, cAMP content and FFA accumulation by
insulin alone was observed, while insulin remarkably inhibited adrenalin stimulated FFA accumulation, reducing adenylate cyclase activity and cAMP levels ... In summary,
insulin , which is recognized as a typical antilipolytic hormone,
activated adenylate cyclase and increased lipolysis at its physiological concentrations when it alone exerted its effect upon fat cells under the conditions where phosphodiesterase was completely inhibited by theophylline ... Accordingly, the present results indicate the bimodal
effect of
insulin on
adenylate cyclase and lipolysis under the presence of theophylline ; enhancement when applied alone, and depression with adrenalin
Christoffersen et al., Eur J Biochem 1984
Insulin added at the time of plating moderately
increased the
adenylate cyclase activity assayed at 48 h, while dexamethasone had no significant effect
Panagiotidis et al., Br J Pharmacol 1995
SIN-1 did not influence
insulin secretion
induced by L-arginine or the
adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin
Morris et al., Biochem J 1995
It is suggested that insulin may reduce the level of phosphorylation of alpha-Gi-2 by stimulating intracellular protein phosphatase activity and that this action may offer a molecular explanation for the ability of
insulin to
inhibit adenylate cyclase activity in hepatocytes by increasing the level of non phosphorylated alpha-Gi-2
Rodriguez-Commes et al., Kidney Int 1994
In contrast,
insulin stimulated Ieq was independent of changes in cAMP, because insulin did not increase the accumulation of cAMP, and inhibition of
adenylate cyclase with 2 ', 5 ' dideoxyadenosine did not
affect transport