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Woodcroft et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999
Insulin differentially
affects xenobiotic enhanced,
cytochrome P-450 (CYP)2E1 , CYP2B, CYP3A, and CYP4A expression in primary cultured rat hepatocytes ... In the present study, we examined the
effects of
insulin on pyridine-, phenobarbital-, and ciprofibrate mediated expression of
CYP2E1 , CYP2B, CYP3A, and CYP4A in primary cultured rat hepatocytes ... To examine whether
insulin effects on xenobiotic mediated
CYP2E1 expression were selective, insulin effects on xenobiotic mediated expression of transcriptionally regulated CYP2B, CYP3A, and CYP4A were examined ... The results of this study demonstrate that decreasing the insulin level in the primary hepatocyte culture medium
enhanced xenobiotic mediated
CYP2E1 expression, whereas lower
insulin levels suppressed xenobiotic mediated CYP2B, CYP3A, and CYP4A expression in this cell culture system
Son et al., Chem Biol Interact 2000
(Starvation) :
The hepatic CYP2E1 induction in hypophysectomized diabetic rats was inhibited by hGH treatment, indicating that the hGH effect on
CYP2E1 expression did not
involve insulin production
Chitturi et al., Semin Liver Dis 2001
(Chronic Disease...) :
CYP2E1 is normally
suppressed by
insulin but is invariably increased in the livers of patients with NASH
Sidhu et al., Mol Pharmacol 2001
Recent inhibitor based studies have implicated a mechanistic role for phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase (PI3K) in the
insulin mediated suppression of
CYP2E1 mRNA levels in hepatocytes ... We investigated the dose dependence for this response and for the
effects of
insulin and extracellular matrix on PI3K signaling and
CYP2E1 mRNA expression levels using a highly defined rat primary hepatocyte culture system
Yang et al., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2001
effects of
insulin on
CYP2E1 expression were also measured
Woodcroft et al., Hepatology 2002
Primary cultured rat hepatocytes were used to explore ketone body and
insulin regulation of
CYP2E1 expression ... The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase ( PI3-kinase ) inhibitors wortmannin or LY294002 and rapamycin, an inhibitor of p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation, ameliorated the
insulin mediated decrease in
CYP2E1 mRNA levels ... Geldanamycin, which inhibits Src kinase, also abrogated the
insulin mediated decrease in
CYP2E1 mRNA levels ... In contrast, the protein kinase C ( PKC ) inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide, the mitogen activated protein kinase kinase ( MEK ) inhibitor PD98059, and the p38 mitogen activated protein ( MAP ) kinase inhibitor SB202190 did not affect the
insulin mediated decrease in
CYP2E1 ... Analysis of CYP2E1 gene transcription using heterogeneous nuclear RNA ( hnRNA ) showed that
insulin suppressed
CYP2E1 transcription ... In conclusion, these data show involvement of transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms in the
insulin mediated regulation of
CYP2E1 and implicate PI3-kinase, p70 S6 kinase, and Src kinase in mediating these effects
Murdock et al., Biochem Pharmacol 2004
Role of
CYP2E1 in ketone stimulated
insulin release in pancreatic B-cells ... The
role of
CYP2E1 in ketone stimulated
insulin release was investigated using isolated pancreatic islets of Langerhans and two mammalian insulin secreting pancreatic beta-cell lines engineered to stably express human CYP2E1 ( designated BRIN BD11h2E1 and INS-1h2E1 )
Schattenberg et al., J Biol Chem 2005
(Fatty Liver...) :
CYP2E1 overexpression and steatohepatitis
lead to impaired hepatic
insulin signaling ...
CYP2E1 overexpression in a hepatocyte cell line decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and IRS-2 in
response to