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Lim et al., J Neurosci Res 2008
MAPK/ERK dependent
p35 up-regulation and MAPK/ERK dependent and PI3K/Akt dependent Bcl2 up-regulation contribute to BDNF stimulated neural differentiation and to the survival of differentiated cells
Utreras et al., J Biol Chem 2009
(Pain) :
MEK inhibitor, which inhibits ERK activation, decreased p35 promoter activity, whereas the inhibitors of p38
MAPK , JNK, and NF-kappaB
increased p35 promoter activity, indicating that these pathways regulate p35 expression differently
Utreras et al., Molecular pain 2011
In the presence of resveratrol, the MEK inhibitor decreased p35 promoter activity, whereas the inhibitors of p38
MAPK , JNK and NF-?B
increased p35 promoter activity, indicating that these pathways regulate p35 expression differently