Fujiki et al., Exp Hematol 2002
Moreover, the endogenous production of TPO by cultured CD34 ( + ) IL-6R ( - ) cells in the presence of Epo+SCF+IL-9 was ruled out by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for TPO mRNA
Ashizawa et al., Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1989
Both interleukin 1 alpha and beta inhibited TSH induced thyroid peroxidase mRNA in a dose responsive manner ; 10 ( 3 ) U/1 interleukin 1 caused maximal suppression of TSH induced thyroid peroxidase mRNA level to nearly basal levels ... These results demonstrate that interleukin 1 directly inhibits TSH induced thyroid peroxidase gene expression and provide further evidence for a paracrine role of interleukin 1 as a local inhibitor of thyroid hormone synthesis