Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Zagozdzon et al., Cell Signal 2006 (MAP Kinase Signaling System) : Csk homologous kinase (CHK) , unlike Csk, enhances MAPK activation via Ras mediated signaling in a Src independent manner ... Down-regulation of the expression of endogenous CHK by RNAi in PC12 cells led to a significant decrease in MAPK activation following NGF stimulation
Poehlmann et al., Pathol Res Pract 2010 (Neoplasms) : Importantly, as current evidence also suggests a role of MAPK 's ( mitogen activated protein kinases ) in cell cycle checkpoint control, we describe in this review both the ATR/ATM-Chk1/Chk2 signaling pathways as well as the regulation of cell cycle checkpoints by MAPK 's as molecular mechanisms in DDR, and how their dysfunction is related to cancer development