Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Vincent et al., Neurobiol Dis 2004 : IGF-I prevents glutamate induced motor neuron programmed cell death
Resnicoff et al., Cancer Res 1995 (Glioblastoma) : The role of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor ( IGF-IR ) in programmed cell death has been investigated in vivo in a biodiffusion chamber, where the extent of cell death could be determined quantitatively ... We conclude that the IGF-IR activated by its ligands plays a very important protective role in programmed cell death , and that its protective action is even more striking in vivo than in vitro
D'Costa et al., J Neurobiol 1998 : Mechanisms of insulin-like growth factor regulation of programmed cell death of developing avian motoneurons