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DiPersio et al., J Immunol 1988
GM-CSF enhances neutrophil arachidonic acid release and
LTB4 synthesis, and thereby may amplify the inflammatory response to chemotactic factors and other physiologically relevant stimuli
Poubelle et al., Agents Actions 1989
colony stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) and opsonization synergistically
enhance leukotriene B4 (LTB4) synthesis induced by phagocytosis in human neutrophils ... The most striking effect of phagocytosis was observed when neutrophils were primed with granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) : opsonization and
GM-CSF synergistically
increased LTB4 synthesis by neutrophils
Stanková et al., Blood 1995
Collectively, our data imply that
GM-CSF can
regulate LTB4 production by two distinct mechanisms : a short-term increase that is not related to increased 5-LOX mRNA expression and is independent of protein synthesis, and a sustained increase in LTB4 production that is associated with the transcriptional activation of the 5-LOX gene, increase in 5-LOX mRNA levels, and dependence on protein synthesis