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IL10 — VIT
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Bellinghausen et al., Eur J Immunol 1997
(Insect Bites and Stings) :
These data indicate that in insect venom allergic subjects,
VIT not only induces a rapid shift in cytokine expression from Th2 to Th1 cytokines, but also
leads to induction of the immunosuppressive cytokine
IL-10 , which may be important for the limitation of potentially harmful allergen-specific Th1 responses
Pierkes et al., J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999
Recent studies provide evidence that
venom immunotherapy (VIT) alters the pattern of cytokine production by inducing an allergen-specific T-cell shift in cytokine expression from TH2 ( IL-4, IL-5 ) to TH1 ( IFN-gamma ) cytokines and also
inducing the production of