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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Peters et al., Am J Pathol 2006
During spontaneous catagen development of organ cultured human anagen hair follicles,
p75NTR mRNA levels rose, and
p75NTR and pro-NGF immunoreactivity
increased dramatically in involuting compartments primarily devoid of TrkA expression
Bronfman et al., J Neurochem 2007
Moreover, it was recently described that trafficking capacities of
p75 in neurons are
regulating , in addition to
p75 downstream interactions, also the sequential cleavage of p75
Vey et al., Eur J Immunol 1996
On the other hand, the increase in
sTNFR-p75 release does not
result from an increase in the cleavage of pre existing cell associated
sTNFR-p75 but from an increase in TNFR-p75 expression, immediately followed by the cleavage of its extracellular domain