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Araki et al., Cell Death Differ 2000
Expression of
p35 by infection with AxCANCre
resulted in inhibition of
caspase-3 activation and resistance to hypoxia induced cell death
Tomioka et al., Brain Res Mol Brain Res 2002
To examine the role of neuronal caspases in excitotoxic neurodegeneration in vivo, we have generated transgenic mice expressing the baculovirus protein
p35 , a potent viral
caspase inhibitor , using the neuron-specific calmodulin dependent kinase-II alpha ( CaMKII-alpha ) promoter ... The transgenic expression of
p35 consistently
inhibited the kainate induced
caspase activation, but failed to influence the death of neurons to any extent
Sahdev et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2003
p35 expression also inhibited cytochrome c release from the mitochondria of oxidant exposed cells and
blocked caspase-3 activation
Doloff et al., BMC cancer 2010
(Brain Neoplasms...) :
The expression of
p35 in Adeno-2B6/p35 infected tumor cells
inhibited caspase activation, delaying the death of the CYP2B6 `` factory '' cells that produce active CPA metabolites, and increased bystander tumor cell killing compared to that achieved in the absence of p35
Van de Craen et al., J Mol Biol 1998
In vitro experiments demonstrated that
p35 inhibits
caspase-8 directly