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Protein-Protein interactions - manually collected from original source literature:
Studies that report less than 10 interactions are marked with *
Text-mined interactions from Literome
McLemore et al., Immunity 2001
These data suggest that
STAT-3 activation by the
G-CSFR is critical for the transduction of normal proliferative signals and contributes to differentiative signals
Shao et al., J Immunol 2006
(Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute) :
Testing of three models for Stat3 Src homology 2-pY ligand binding in vitro and in vivo revealed unique determinants for
Stat3 recruitment and
activation by the
G-CSFR , the side chain of Stat3 R609, which interacts with the pY ligand phosphate group, and the peptide amide hydrogen of E638, which bonds with oxygen/sulfur within the + 3 Q/C side chain of the pY ligand when it assumes a beta turn ... Thus, our findings identify for the first time the structural basis for recruitment and
activation of
Stat3 by the
G-CSFR and reveal unique features of this interaction that can be exploited to target Stat3 activation for the treatment of a subset of acute myeloid leukemia patients
Chakraborty et al., Urology 2007
(Disease Models, Animal...) :
We examined the effects of STAT3 ( signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 ) dominant negative expression on
G-CSF/G-CSFR mediated
STAT3 phosphorylation by Western blotting in TCC-SUP-3.1 and TCC-SUP-GR cells ... We characterized the
effects of
STAT3-dominant negative expression on
G-CSF/G-CSFR mediated survivin expression by flow cytometry in TCC-SUP-3.1 and TCC-SUP-GR cells