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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Wu et al., Immunobiology 2008
(Breast Neoplasms) :
In this report, we investigated the
effect of exogenous
CCL21 expressed in breast cancer MCF-7 on human monocyte derived
Middel et al., BMC cancer 2010
(Carcinoma, Renal Cell...) :
Conversely, MIP-3ß and
SLC expression was only
detected at the tumour border, where CCR7 expressing T-cells and mature
DCs formed clusters ... Thus, increased expression of MIP-3a favours recruitment of immature DCs to the tumour bed, whereas de novo local expression of
SLC and MIP-3ß
induces accumulation of mature
DCs at the tumour margin forming clusters with proliferating T-cells reflecting a local anti-tumour immune response
Gunn et al., J Exp Med 1999
(Coronavirus Infections...) :
These findings suggest that the abnormalities in plt mice are due to a genetic defect in the expression of SLC and that
SLC mediates the entry of naive T cells and antigen
stimulated DCs into the T cell zones of secondary lymphoid organs