Rovedatti et al., Gut 2009
(Colitis, Ulcerative...) :
IL23 and IL1beta plus IL6 had no effect on IBD LPMC production of IL17 ; however, IL12 markedly increased IFNgamma production and decreased IL17 production
Moriasi et al., Anticancer Agents Med Chem 2012
(Colitis...) :
Here, we review the role of IL-6 signaling in IBD and colitis associated cancer and underscore the importance of searching for natural compounds that would target the IL-6 trans signaling pathway as a way to diminish chronic inflammatory conditions in the gastrointestinal tract and possibly hamper the progression to colon cancer
Gruchlik et al., Acta Pol Pharm 2012
IL-6 belongs to pro-inflammatory cytokines family and plays a crucial role in IBD Ligumsky et al., Gut 1990
(Colitis, Ulcerative...) :
Role of interleukin 1 in inflammatory bowel disease -- enhanced production during active disease