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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Kaminska et al., Tumour Biol 2005
(Colorectal Neoplasms) :
The levels of circulating
interleukin (IL)-6 , IL-8, macrophage colony stimulating factor ( M-CSF ) and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist ( IL-1ra ) significantly
increased with the clinical stage of CRC, and the levels of IL-6, soluble tumor necrosis factor ( sTNF ) receptor type I ( RI ), soluble
interleukin 2 receptor alpha and TNFalpha with tumor grade, while IL-6, IL-8, M-CSF, IL-1ra and sTNF RI levels significantly rose with bowel wall invasion
Li et al., J Neuroimmunol 2008
(Genetic Predisposition to Disease...) :
EAMG resistance was associated with reduced lymph node cell
IL-6 and IL-10 production and
increased CD4 ( + )
CD25 ( + ) cell ratios in lymph nodes
Zhao et al., Leukemia 2008
(Hypersensitivity, Delayed) :
sorafenib also caused G ( 0 ) /G ( 1 ) phase arrest,
inhibition of
CD25 and CD69 expression,
interleukin-2 production and LCK phosphorylation in the T cells ; all of these effects exhibited dose and time dependence
Chaput et al., Gut 2009
(Adenocarcinoma...) :
interleukin 6 and TGF beta 1 synergistically
induced the generation of CD8 ( + )
CD25 ( + ) Foxp3 ( + ) T cells ex vivo
Poutahidis et al., Int J Cancer 2009
(Adenocarcinoma...) :
Depletion of
CD25 ( + ) cells in 2-month-old animals
increased the expression of
IL-6 ( p < 0.005 ) within prostate and increased the frequency of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia ( p < 0.05 ) and microinvasive prostatic carcinoma ( p < 0.05 ) in dorsolateral prostate
Shirakawa et al., Mol Cell Biol 1989
Identical results were obtained with the human natural killer-like cell line YT, which can be induced to express the
interleukin-2 receptor alpha subunit in
response to
interleukin-1 , cyclic AMP, or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate
Panzer et al., Clin Exp Immunol 1993
We show in this system that exogenously added IL-1 beta,
IL-6 and TNF-alpha
induces IL-2 receptor (R) up-regulation and IL-2 production, and proliferation by both CD4+ and CD8+ cells
Benigni et al., J Immunol 1996
These data indicate that
p55 plays a major role in TNF activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and in the centrally mediated induction of peripheral
IL-6 by TNF, but p75, despite having little IL-6 inductive properties by itself, seems to potentiate p55 induction of IL-6