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Urzainqui et al., J Immunol 2007
stimulation of
DCs through PSGL-1 with
P-selectin enhanced their capability to generate CD4 ( + ) CD25 ( + ) Foxp3 ( + ) regulatory T cells, which expressed high levels of TGF-beta1 mRNA, synthesized IL-10, and suppressed the proliferation of autologous CD4 ( + ) CD25 ( - ) T cells
Tu et al., BMB Rep 2010
(Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) :
In this study, we estabilished STZ induced diabetic rat model to investigate whether
dendritic cells (DCs) mediated tubulointerstitial damages, and whether the effects by DCs were
mediated by
P-selectin expression and can be inhibited by atorvastatin
Welsh et al., Br J Haematol 2011
Our data show that the surface levels of
P-selectin , a platelet transmembrane protein known to bind sulfatides and promote cell-cell interactions, are
reduced by Dab2
N-PTB , an event that is reversed in the presence of a mutant form of the protein that is deficient in sulfatide but not in integrin binding