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IL7 — MMP13
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Meisser et al., Mol Hum Reprod 1999
The aim of this study was to determine the
effects of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF),
interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1alpha), macrophage colony stimulating factor ( MCSF ) and transforming growth factor beta ( TGFbeta ) on the secretion of
matrix metalloproteinases ( MMP ) , human chorionic gonadotrophin ( HCG ) and fetal fibronectin ( fFN ) by purified first trimester cytotrophoblastic cells (CTB) in vitro
Wahlgren et al., J Pathol 2001
(Bone Diseases...) :
interleukin-6 , and tumour necrosis factor-alpha and heparin with the tumour promoter or cytokines potently
enhanced ( up to nine-fold )
MMP-8 and -13 expression by the RPMI 8226 myeloma cell line, as evidenced by western blotting and semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
Himeno et al., J Bone Miner Res 2002
(Ossification, Heterotopic) :
In primary culture of Cbfa1-/- chondrocytes, transforming growth factor (TGF) beta1, platelet derived growth factor ( PDGF ),
interleukin (IL)-1beta , and thyroid hormone ( T3 )
induced osteopontin and
MMP-13 expression
Sun et al., Connect Tissue Res 2003
(Arthritis, Rheumatoid) :
Furthermore, the
induction of the
MMP expression and activities by
interleukin-1 was suppressed by the oscillatory shear
Im et al., J Biol Chem 2007
bFGF stimulation of
MMP-13 was
mediated at the transcriptional level and, at least in part, by stimulation of
interleukin-1 production
Ahmad et al., Cell Signal 2007
(MAP Kinase Signaling System) :
MyD88, IRAK1 and TRAF6 knockdown in human chondrocytes inhibits
interleukin-1 induced
matrix metalloproteinase-13 gene expression and promoter activity by impairing MAP kinase activation
Yammani et al., Arthritis Rheum 2009
Overexpression of a dominant negative RAGE construct inhibited the
IL-7 mediated production of
Ito et al., Ultrasound Med Biol 2012
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound inhibits messenger RNA expression of
matrix metalloproteinase-13 induced by
interleukin-1ß in chondrocytes in an intensity dependent manner
Culley et al., Arthritis Rheum 2013
(Disease Models, Animal...) :
Knockdown of each class I HDAC diminished
interleukin-1 induced
MMP13 expression