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FGF2 — IL10
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Bodo et al., Eur J Cell Biol 1999
(Craniofacial Dysostosis) :
ELISA showed that
bFGF induced
interleukin secretion differed in normal and Crouzon osteoblasts
Im et al., J Biol Chem 2007
bFGF stimulation of MMP-13 was
mediated at the transcriptional level and, at least in part, by stimulation of
interleukin-1 production
Chandrasekhar et al., J Cell Physiol 1989
Induction of
interleukin-1 receptors on chondrocytes by
fibroblast growth factor : a possible mechanism for modulation of interleukin-1 activity
Iwamoto et al., Immunol Lett 1989
interleukin 1 (IL-1) suppressed by 50-60 % the incorporation of [ 3H ] thymidine into DNA in high density chondrocyte cultures on plastic dishes in the
presence of 10 % serum or
fibroblast growth factor , although it increased twofold this incorporation in 0.3 % serum alone
Norioka et al., Jpn J Cancer Res 1994
(Neovascularization, Pathologic) :
Interaction of
interleukin-1 and interferon-gamma on
fibroblast growth factor induced angiogenesis
Tamura et al., Endocrinology 1996
(Arthritis...) :
Nitric oxide mediates
interleukin-1 induced matrix degradation and
basic fibroblast growth factor release in cultured rabbit articular chondrocytes : a possible mechanism of pathological neovascularization in arthritis
Nakamura et al., J Hypertens 1996
bFGF , TGF-beta,
interleukin-1 alpha, -1 beta and -6
stimulated DNA synthesis in VSMC significantly, whereas HGF did not
Sasaki et al., J Biochem 1998
Nitric oxide mediates
interleukin-1 induced gene expression of matrix metalloproteinases and
basic fibroblast growth factor in cultured rabbit articular chondrocytes