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Eklund et al., J Biol Chem 2002
Therefore, decreased
HoxA10 repression
contributes to increased CYBB and
NCF2 transcription in differentiating myeloid cells
Lindsey et al., J Immunol 2005
In the current studies, we investigate the possibility that
HoxA10 similarly
represses NCF2 transcription ... Our results suggest that cytokine stimulated pathways regulate
HoxA10 mediated repression of the CYBB and
NCF2 genes in differentiating myeloid cells and in mature phagocytes during the inflammatory response
Bei et al., J Biol Chem 2007
In immature myeloid cells, we previously determined that
HoxA10 repressed transcription of the CYBB and
NCF2 genes, which encode the phagocyte oxidase proteins gp91(PHOX) and p67 ( PHOX ), respectively