Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Migliaccio et al., Blood 1990 (Agranulocytosis...) : As examples, maximal growth of granulocyte/macrophage ( GM ) colonies was induced by granulocyte/macrophage (GM)-CSF plus G-CSF in the patients, whereas a combination of GM-CSF, G-CSF and interleukin-3 (IL-3) was required in the normals, and erythropoietin alone induced fourfold more erythroid bursts from cyclic neutropenic patients than from normal donors ( 46 % versus 11 % of the maximal colony number, respectively )
Park et al., Osaka City Med J 1991 (Hypersplenism...) : These findings show that G-CSF affects human erythropoiesis in vivo, but that the mechanism of its effect did not involve an increase in plasma erythropoietin
Meazza et al., J Pediatr Endocrinol 2009 (Growth Disorders) : In non-GHD children Epo levels significantly decreased and G-CSF levels increased from basal to 12 months of therapy, whereas in GHD children they did not change significantly