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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Fowlkes et al., J Immunol 2002
Thus, data from two different Notch1IC transgenic lines indicate that
Notch activity
promotes CD8 and inhibits CD4 SP development
Hunt et al., Mol Cell Biol 2011
This defect was recapitulated in vitro as Mtg16 ( -/- ) Lineage ( - ) /Sca1 ( + ) /c-Kit ( + ) ( LSK ) cells of the bone marrow or DN1 cells of the thymus failed to produce CD4 ( + )
/CD8 ( + ) cells in
response to a
Notch signal
Kuijk et al., Blood 2013
(Neoplasms) :
These data indicate that
Notch signaling
controls human
CD8 ( + ) T cell priming and also influences effector T cell functions