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Iso et al., J Cell Physiol 2003
HES/E ( spl ) had been the only known
effector of
Notch signaling until a recent discovery of a related but distinct bHLH protein family, termed HERP ( HES related repressor protein, also called Hey/Hesr/HRT/CHF/gridlock )
Katoh et al., Int J Oncol 2004
Activation of Notch signaling pathway leads to transcriptional
activation of
Hes family genes through the interaction between
Notch intracellular domain and RBPSUH ( CSL )
King et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006
Hrt and
Hes negatively
regulate Notch signaling through interactions with RBP-Jkappa ... Here we show that Hrt2 and Hes1 interact with RBP-Jkappa to negatively regulate
Notch dependent activation of Hrt and
Hes expression
Androutsellis-Theotokis et al., Nature 2006
(Second Messenger Systems) :
Here we show that
Notch receptor activation
induces the expression of the specific target genes
hairy and enhancer of split 3 (Hes3) and Sonic hedgehog (Shh) through rapid activation of cytoplasmic signals, including the serine/threonine kinase Akt, the transcription factor STAT3 and mammalian target of rapamycin, and thereby promotes the survival of neural stem cells
Taelman et al., Development 2006
Here, we show that the Xenopus Hairy related transcription factor ( HRT ) gene XHRT1, and the
Hairy/Enhancer of split ( HES ) genes Xhairy1, Xhairy2b, esr9 and esr10, have distinct restricted dynamic expression patterns during pronephros development, and that their expression is
regulated by
Katoh et al., Int J Oncol 2008
P53 induced
NOTCH1 upregulation
leads to HES1,
HES5 , HEY1, HEY2 or HEYL upregulation for the repression of tissue specific bHLH transcriptional activators
Batts et al., Hear Res 2009
These results indicate that the mammalian auditory epithelium retains the ability to regulate Notch signaling and
Notch dependent
Hes activity in response to cellular trauma and that the signaling is transient
Kubo et al., Development 2009
Interestingly, unlike other developmental contexts in which
Hes gene expression is
regulated by
Notch signaling, Hairy1 expression in the CMZ is regulated by Wnt signaling
Albright et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2013
Measurements of Notch related toxicity included goblet cell metaplasia in the gut, marginal-zone depletion in the spleen, reductions in B cells, and changes in expression of the
Notch regulated
hairy and enhancer of split homolog-1 from blood cells