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Weijzen et al., J Immunol 2002
Furthermore, coculture of DCs with cells expressing
Notch ligand Jagged-1
induced up-regulation of maturation markers, IL-12 production, T cell proliferative responses, and
IFN-gamma production
Palaga et al., J Immunol 2003
TCR mediated
Notch signaling
regulates proliferation and
IFN-gamma production in peripheral T cells ... Inhibition of
Notch activation dramatically decreases T cell proliferation in both CD4 and CD8 cells and
blocks both NF-kappaB activity and
IFN-gamma production in peripheral T cells
Wong et al., J Clin Invest 2003
Ligation of
Notch on splenic CD8+ cells
results in a dramatic decrease in
IFN-gamma with a concomitant enhancement of IL-10 production, suggesting that Notch signaling can alter the differentiation potential of CD8+ cells
Shin et al., EMBO J 2006
Notch1 specifically
upregulates expression of the cytokine
interferon-gamma in peripheral T cells through activation of NF-kappaB
Monsalve et al., J Immunol 2006
(Inflammation) :
Furthermore, Raw 264.7
Notch-IC stable transfectants increased STAT1 dependent transcription in
response to
IFN-gamma , leading to higher expression of IFN regulatory factor-1, suppressor of cytokine signaling-1, ICAM-1, and MHC class II proteins