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Mao et al., Exp Cell Res 2004
Finally, in CHO cells overexpressing wild-type MLTKalpha, no
activation of
PKA could be demonstrated, indicating that the activated kinase cascades are not involved in a cross-talk process
Gauthier et al., J Biol Chem 2008
Likewise, small hairpin RNA mediated silencing of adipose tissue triglyceride lipase inhibited both forskolin stimulated lipolysis and
AMPK activation but not that of
Omar et al., Cell Signal 2009
Taken together, these data suggest that PDE3B and PDE4 regulate cAMP pools that affect the activation/phosphorylation state of AMPK and that the effects of cyclic AMP on
AMPK involve Epac1,
PKA and lipolysis
Djouder et al., EMBO J 2010
These results suggest a new mechanism of negative
regulation of
AMPK activity by
PKA that is important for converting a lipolytic signal into an effective lipolytic response
Pulinilkunnil et al., J Biol Chem 2011
PKA and AKT inhibitors attenuated AMPK Ser ( 485/491 ) phosphorylation resulting from a-adrenergic blockade and
prevented decreases in
AMPK activity
Liu et al., Biochimie 2012
Adiponectin levels are also stimulated by FOXO1 and
AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) , and are
suppressed by
PKA or silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors ( SMRT )
Damm et al., Mol Endocrinol 2012
(MAP Kinase Signaling System) :
Melanocortin induced
PKA activation
inhibits AMPK activity via ERK-1/2 and LKB-1 in hypothalamic GT1-7 cells ... Inhibitory effects of a-MSH on
AMPK were
blocked by specific inhibitors of
protein kinase A (PKA) or ERK-1/2, pointing to an important role of both kinases in this process
Nin et al., J Biol Chem 2012
In fact, an increase in
cAMP/PKA activity resulted in the dissociation of SIRT1 and DBC1 in an
AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) dependent manner
Stone et al., Frontiers in physiology 2012
Interestingly, AICAR also phosphorylated a suspected PKA-inhibitory Ser485 site on AMPK, and these cumulative events were reversed by the PKA inhibitor PKI suggesting possible
PKA mediated regulation of
AMPK ... The cAMP stimulator forskolin increased PKA activity and completely ameliorated Ser/Thr protein phosphatase-2C activity, suggesting a potential mechanism of AMPK modulation by PKA since inhibition of
reduced AMPK activity