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IFI27 — IGF1
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Jia et al., Immunol Cell Biol 2006
(Atherosclerosis...) :
IGF-1 markedly
inhibited the expression of
p27 ( kip ) and p21 ( cip ) and significantly induced cyclin E and cyclin D ... On the contrary, in symptomatic VSMC there was already increased apoptosis of VSMC and there was no significant
effect of
IGF-1 or inflammatory cytokines on proliferation, apoptosis or the expression of
p27 ( kip ) and p21 ( cip ) and cyclin D and E
Fukushima et al., Endocrinology 2008
Furthermore, cAMP pretreatment enhanced
IGF-I induced protein degradation of the CDK inhibitor,
p27 ( Kip1 ) ... In contrast,
IGF-I dependent PI 3-kinase activation was
required for the increase in cyclin D1 mRNA levels and degradation of
p27 ( Kip1 )