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CA2 — TCF20
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Ehring et al., J Immunol 2000
(Calcium Signaling) :
In Jurkat T cells, vanadate also activated the
Ca2+ dependent
transcription factor , NF-AT
Mitsuyama et al., J Bone Miner Res 2004
(Calcium Signaling) :
It was demonstrated that
Ca2+ signaling pathway involving calcineurin regulates IL-8 gene expression through
activation of a
transcription factor , NF-kappaB
Yeh et al., Ann N Y Acad Sci 2005
Ca2+ by exposing granulosa cells to 1 microM of A23187 for 48 h significantly
increased mitochondrial
transcription factor ( mtTFA ) gene expression by up to 2.9-fold
Thebault et al., Cancer Res 2006
(Calcium Signaling...) :
Here, we show that agonist mediated stimulation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors ( alpha1-AR ) promotes proliferation of the primary human prostate cancer epithelial ( hPCE ) cells by inducing store independent
Ca2+ entry and subsequent
activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells ( NFAT )
transcription factor
David et al., Biochem Pharmacol 2008
(Calcium Signaling) :
This resulted in increased S1P induced activation of the
Ca2+ dependent
transcription factor , nuclear factor of activated T cells ( NFATc )
Duman et al., J ECT 1998
Studies in vivo and in cultured cells indicate that the induction of BDNF and TrkB is mediated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate ( cAMP ) response element binding protein ( CREB ), a
transcription factor that is
activated by cAMP and
Ca2+ intracellular pathways
Schaefer et al., Biochem J 1998
(Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute) :
Studies on the phosphorylation state and DNA binding activity of the cAMP response element binding protein ( CREB ) did not demonstrate an early
Ca2+ dependent activation of this
transcription factor , suggesting that the regulation of c-fos and egr-1 expression by Ca2+ is not linked to CREB in the haematopoietic ELM-I-1 cells