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Mayo et al., J Biol Chem 2001
Binding of
VEGF to the KDR/Flk1 receptor tyrosine kinase induces phosphorylation of the CRE binding protein ( CREB ) transcription factor on serine 133 and
increases CREB DNA binding and transactivation ... Confocal microscopy shows that
VEGF induced phosphorylation of nuclear
CREB is blocked by pharmacological inhibition of protein kinase C and p38 mitogen activated protein kinase signaling
Rius et al., Atherosclerosis 2006
(Atherosclerosis) :
VEGF induced
CREB activation ( phosphorylation in Ser ( 133 ) )
Wu et al., Oncogene 2007
(Bone Neoplasms...) :
cAMP-responsive element binding protein regulates
vascular endothelial growth factor expression : implication in human prostate cancer bone metastasis ... Activation of
CREB induced , whereas inhibition of CREB blocked,
VEGF expression in ARCaP cells ...
CREB may
regulate VEGF transcription via a hypoxia-inducible factor dependent mechanism in normoxic conditions ... Activation of
CREB signaling is
involved in the coordinated regulation of
VEGF and may pre-dispose to PCa bone metastasis
Jeon et al., Mol Cells 2007
In the present study we investigated the possible
role of
CREB in the expression of
vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) by mouse macrophages ... Over-expression of
CREB increased
VEGF secretion by cells of the RAW264.7 mouse macrophage cell line ... These results indicate that PKA phosphorylates
CREB and so
induces VEGF gene expression ... An analysis of mutant promoters revealed that one of the putative CREB responsive elements ( CREs ), at 399 approximately 388 in the promoter, is critical for
CREB mediated
VEGF promoter activity, and the significance of this CRE was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays
Ma et al., J Asian Nat Prod Res 2008
(Neoplasms...) :
Beta-eudesmol ( 100 microM ) also blocked the phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein (
induced by
VEGF ( 30 ng/ml ) in HUVEC
Atsuta et al., Int J Cardiol 2009
Overexpression of
CREB ( cAMP-responsive element binding protein )
induces VEGF promoter and reduces PAI-1 promoter activities
Scoditti et al., Cardiovasc Res 2010
As both protein kinase C (PKC)alpha and beta are involved in
VEGF induced COX-2 expression and
CREB activation, we investigated which isoform ( s ) of PKC was affected by RSG ...
VEGF induces
CREB mediated COX-2 expression through a PKCalpha dependent pathway in human endothelium ... The anti-angiogenic effect of PPARgamma agonists is due, at least in part, to an interference with the
VEGF stimulated PKCalpha mediated activation of
CREB and the related expression of COX-2
Lee et al., J Neurochem 2010
(Anoxia...) :
Inhibiting VEGFR-2 and extracellular signal regulated kinase ( ERK ), respectively, reduced
VEGF-A induced
CREB phosphorylation and protection of H19-7 and b.End3 cells against OGD
Lu et al., Cell Mol Life Sci 2010
(Carcinoma, Squamous Cell) :
Inhibition of
vascular endothelial growth factor-A ( VEGF-A ) in the microenvironment with its antibody
blocked the endothelial-like differentiation and the phosphorylation of MAPK/ERK1/2 and
Zhao et al., Int J Cancer 2011
(Neovascularization, Pathologic) :
Moreover, using pharmacological inhibitors and molecular approaches, we show that
VEGF induced
CREB activation is largely mediated by protein kinase C-dependent protein kinase D activation
Tripathi et al., Mol Cell Biochem 2012
(MAP Kinase Signaling System...) :
The analyses of the phosphorylated transcription factors revealed that ANP inhibited
VEGF stimulated activation of
CREB , and the AP-1 subunits ( c-jun and c-fos ) ... The addition of the protein kinase G ( PKG ) inhibitor, KT-5823, restored the
VEGF stimulated activation of MAPKs, AP-1, and
CREB , demonstrating the integral role of cGMP/PKG signaling in NPRA mediated effects