Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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CLN9 — TCF20

Text-mined interactions from Literome

Cross et al., Mol Cell Biol 1994 : It has been proposed that positive feedback operates via Cln/Cdc28 activation of the Swi4/Swi6 transcription factor , leading to CLN1 and CLN2 transcription due to Swi4 binding to specific sites ( SCBs ) in the CLN1 and CLN2 promoters
Moll et al., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1993 : A transcription factor composed of Swi4 and Swi6 proteins ( called SBF ) activates CLN1 and CLN2 transcription via a positive feedback loop in which Cln proteins activate their own transcription